Anduin's MANHOOD

Claims to know lore. Can’t explain lore. Claims to have presented data and facts. Can’t show data and facts.
“There’s this quest see…”

It’s hard to take you seriously at this point.

I recommend against taking people who use cheese sandwich analogies on the internet too seriously anyway.

And I’m not equipped to argue with your feelings. If you want to talk about a character you know something about, maybe we can have a discussion, but I can’t really weigh in on “Iunno, the vibes are off”.

You’re looking for chronological order in WoW? Let me know if you ever find it.

It all started with a glorious piggeh named Hogrus.

Hogrus watched over all the lands for many millennia, all the way into the present day.


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Idk man, I’m sure like most of general discussion would be distraught for years if their father got disenchanted in their teens.

Let alone the other stuff that’s happened to him. Some people here are just weird about emotions I guess.

I’m all for masulinity, just not the stereotype that society has been shoving down people’s throats for eternity. “Real men don’t cry! Real men are always strong! Real men stuff all the girly emotions down and never acknowledge their existence! Real men never ask for help, they solve their problems on their own! Blah blah blah.” So don’t worry, I’ll say it again.

Yes, they are. They are emotions that usually make things worse, foster bad behavior and destructive tendencies. They are emotions that generally don’t solve anything. People may get a moment of relief from hitting or breaking something or screaming at the top of their lungs but it’s fleeting.

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If anger never solved anything it wouldn’t exist, just based on human evolution, anger has a purpose. You may not like that, but that’s the truth. Thankfully for you blizard has countless characters that fit your perfect role of amazing people that never get angry, like Thrall or Khadgar. I will also say it again, venting anger by hitting or breaking things has proven to be a healthy way to release stress or frustration whether you like it or not, sorry to tell ya, but you can do those things without harming anyone. Anduin can DEFFINETLY do those things without hurting those he cares about, especially in an xpac that will be focused around a swarm of void corrupted evil bugs.
Side note- audiences usually love character who use things like “righteous fury” or some other term used to describe a characters anger at those who attempt or have hurt those they care about. That’s why its used in plot time and time again.

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To clarify, anger causes adrenaline, adrenaline “makes your heart beat faster and your lungs breathe more efficiently. It causes your blood vessels to send more blood to your brain and muscles, increases your blood pressure, makes your brain more alert, and raises blood sugar levels to give you energy” which in a most situations that take place in a game called World of WARCRAFT, those aspects can be very beneficial, throughout human history they can also be very beneficial for survival.

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Anger needs to be tempered with rationality and acceptance for it to be a healthy release. Anger on its own creates more negativity and can often lead to depression. I am very much aware of the biological effects of anger and other emotions on the body. I also never said that people shouldn’t express anger, only that if unchecked or encouraged it can and does cause more problems than it solves.

Human emotions are a balancing act of negative and positive emotions. You need both to function in harmony. Denying or suppressing them on either side creates imbalances that lead to anxiety, irritability, irrational outbursts, depression, a false sense of euphoria, etc and all of that is self-destructive.

Societies cultural stereotypes encourage embracing the negative emotions and suppressing the positive ones, calling them weak or unmanly.

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Every time anyone on this post has said anything about Anduin being angry or using an emotion you dont like you have made sarcastic condescending comments, “Yeah because rage and slaughter are totally healthy ways to deal with trauma :person_facepalming:” as an example. And in that example yes, rage and slaughter can be great for Anduin as it is towards a swarm of evil void bugs trying to currupt the world soul, so he can let loose and vent for a little bit, instead of holding it all in and snapping on thrall when he touches his shoulder

I mean its the EXACT thing they did with Jaina in legion when she was angry, she left dalaran to go slaughter the endless Legion on her own, and look at her 1 xpac later, she became the powerhouse the Alliance needed in BFA

Rage and slaughter are not healthy no matter the target. So yes, I made a sarcastic comment about that. Just because they did it with another character doesn’t mean it’s the right course of action for her or for Anduin.

Anduin is an example of someone who embraced his positive emotions with his entire being. He saw what unchecked negative emotions have accomplished and didn’t want to be that way, actively worked against it. After practically a lifetime of being surrounded by conflict, war and strife he maintained his positivity. Now after experiencing a very deep and painful trauma he is in emotional turmoil. He is drowning in all the negative emotions he suppressed and doesn’t know how to deal with them, or how to get out. Going on a killing spree to vent isn’t going to help someone like him. All it’s going to do is make him feel worse and pile on more guilt.

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Why are they not healthy in that particular situation? Venting on void bugs could, A- Make him feel better B- Help him learn to control his anger/frustration C- Give him more combat time so they have a valid reason to make his character stronger

Along with that, time and crying dont seem to be fixing his problems, so learning a new way for him to cope with feelings while doing something positive for Azeroth could give him some sort of “redemption” in his own mind

Worst part is he is in a command role.

Crap like this irl…okay that is when S-1/g-1 (military admins sections can be called these) personnel is processing the very quiet, very expedient…retirement/separation.

Why did general so and so go so suddenly? Don’t worry about it…next question.

I’d take him back. stripped of everything. Earn it this time dude.

First time you got because daddy was feeling frisky and mommy said yes. You blew that chance dude.

Lets start you at the azeroth version of the military paygrade E-1. Clearly he needs a proper tear down/build up only a drill instructor can give.

Maybe we will let him take officer conversion routes at E-3. If a good boy.

Because Anduin has always been a pacifist. He is always looking for the non-violent and/or diplomatic solutions. He has dedicated his life to being a voice of reason and rationality, of kindness and compassion (even after Garrosh attacked him and crushed his body under the Divine Bell, he harbored no ill-will). The one time he admits that a small part of him gained some enjoyment from hurting people he was filled such soul crushing guilt and grief that he self-exiled to warcraft’s literal hell for a few years.

Going on a killing rampage, even if it is void influenced bugs, is not going to make him feel better. Give him more combat experience , sure, but I doubt it’ll help him to control his emotions.

As Thrall said, time alone fixes nothing. Anduin needs to find a way deal with his trauma and it’s likely it will happen through support and understanding from friends and allies, especially ones who have experienced similar states of mind like Jaina and Tyrande (who both went on a path of revenge and found it didn’t actually help them emotionally) and Thrall.

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LOL, he lead the armies of the Alliance in a war? Pacifist? He has CLEARLY gone by his fathers last letter to him stating “peace is the noblest aspiration, but to preserve it you must be willing to fight”. Yes his goal is peace, he shows more emotion than other leaders and has strived to end conflict between the factions, but hell no he is not a pacifist, watch the BFA intro cinematic where dude slams the troll so hard it creates a shockwave.

He then proceeds to heal his army yells FOR THE ALLIANCE and charges into battle.

Also it would give him more experience with his sword, which if you don’t know is very big on healing the soul, and most likely has some part of his fathers soul inside.
support and understanding can come at the same time as he fights hordes of void buggs aswell
doing one doesnt mean they cant do the other

I half expected there to be a TOS breaking ASCii art in the OP after reading the thread title

I still clicked the link to open the thread,not sure why, so yea,anyway, carry on…