Anduin's MANHOOD

I haven’t noticed Khadgar at all outside of the beginning cutscene and then talking to you just before you head off on to the ship to the Dragon Isles.

When did Kalecgos family die? Is he going to be mopey and sad forever? Do you think people are eternally sad after something bad happens to them?

I dunno why people are so hard on Anduin. Honestly all the “manly men leaders” that some people like to fawn over and compare Anduin to also had faced many trials before becoming the individuals they are or were.

We get to see Anduin get through his. Anduin is just 25 years old… literally seen more than many war veterans in the game. Lol

They’re insecure that he grew up hotter than them.

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Do the quests in Azure Span.

You should definitely do the quests in Azure Span to find that out.

I’m sorry but if you’re not even paying attention to the story at all please don’t bother complaining about it not being to your liking. Did you even pay attention at all???

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If it’s to hard to explain, then why bring it up?

Honestly, because if you complain about the writing and then don’t engage with the story to see why things are the way they are, it’s a heavy lift.


I thought it was because you can’t and don’t want an honest discussion.

How can I have an honest discussion with you about the story when you don’t know anything about it?


Mate, that’s like saying “I want to talk about what cheese is best for a grilled cheese sammie”, authoritatively declaring it cheddar, arguing with someone who says gouda, and then eventually saying “well, I’ve never actually ATE a grilled cheese sandwich, it just stands to reason”.

But go off, I guess.


How can we have an honest discussion when you won’t answer simple questions and act evasive?

people usually need to work through their feelings. some take longer then others. some need help with it while others dont. who are you to judge people for their feelings? I hope you never suffer from any real trauma or have to help someone close to you that has,

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It’s nothing like that at all.

It’s like I ask “What’s on that grilled cheese sandwich?” And you answer “OMG, you don’t know anything about cheese!.” with all the snark you can muster.

To be less cheesy, if you want to discuss, it helps to come from data and fact. Because otherwise we’re just arguing about how you feel and I am 100% not qualified to do that.

What data and facts have you presented so far?

Kalec’s actual story and quests.

So, you know, the character and the context.

I must have missed it. Where did you explain and go through Kalec’s story and quests?

I mean, it’s still available in game if you’re curious.

You get a sweet cloak.

And some context on the character!

Granted, I still think Kalec is a wet wool blanket of a character, but if you don’t care to consume the ancillary media where he was an annoying anime protagonist, it gives you the important information.

If you could just show me the data and facts you presented, I could take a look at them and better understand your point.

If you want context for Kalec, there’s a handy dandy quest!

Otherwise you’re just whingeing.

Which is fine, but it’s hard to argue with that. Or even engage with it.

That’s it. That’s my point.

Yes true, Hamlet comes to mind.

“For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despis’d love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin?” - Hamlet, Act III, Scene I

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