Anduin's MANHOOD

All of the strong female characters are allowed to show emotions, why aren’t the male leaders allowed to show emotions and still be considered “strong”?


i don’t necessarily agree with them all, but condescending rude comments with no backing just to make others feel stupid from that monk have been… Entertaining

It is kind of weird how society in general doesn’t view angry men as being emotional.


I think these people are misplacing there frustration, It’s not that hes to emotional, as the greats like Grom and Varian showed emotion from time to time, its more that Anduin hasn’t had any awesome feats of strength after coming to terms with his emotions like they did.

Aside from the many times he did it growing up

Ya im from nj so this type is common. Go to any gas station in jersey or just any block in philly and youll get someone who looks exactly like andiun asking to bum a cig.

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cool, basicly just says, people can vent anger in healthy ways, violence isn’t always bad, Anduin has a lot of potential

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It’s because anger is the only emotion that is socially acceptable for men to express, so it’s considered the default and not viewed as being “emotional”.

It’s silly to think that men are some kinda alien creatures and not human beings capable of feeling and expressing a full range of the human experience like the rest of us. I do not understand why so many men are arguing against something (expressing emotions like a normal human being) that does not benefit them in any way.


Oh it also said that I dont understand how Anduin drawing his sword on a friend when his PTSD emotions hit him makes him a weak beta cry baby

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Because the females are the leaders. We are absent male leaders. It’s the females taking care of everything while all male leaders sulk, mope and whine.

Nozdormu, Kalecgos, Khadgar, etc

There are 3 major lore character male leaders off the top off my head from Dragonflight alone

Open your eyes buddy, they are right there

Not true. You can show happiness, joy and excitement. In fact one of the things that make people like you is by being excited or happy when you see someone.

I’m totally sure that if you saw another man who was happy, excited, and full of joy to see his male friend you would definitely think that was fine and socially acceptable, right?

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Kalecgos proves my point. Whenever I see a cutscene of him he is all caught up in his feelings.

Khadgar has been side linded for at least two expansions now.

Aswell for those who dont know, Anduins swords original purpose was to mend the two half of Varian’s soul that was ripped in half by onyxia, becuase he was having rage PTSD.

“Caught up in his feelings”? His whole family is dead, wtf man it would be extremely weird of him not to be sad about that

Men are not emotionless robots who don’t care when their family dies, what kinda awful writing are you guys asking for lol

Khadgar is literally in Dragonflight, what are you talking about???

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Understood. I will say, I would side-eye a comment like that, too. I don’t think it’s too much to suggest he needs more life experience (aka, “growing hair”). And I wholeheartedly agree with your comments elsewhere indicating that him crying is not an indication of weakness. It’s interesting to contrast him with Varian. Varian absolutely considered his anger and rage as a weakness. I think Anduin is on a better path, quite honestly.

I want to make out with Anduin :kissing_closed_eyes:

Yes, I agree, but he also had to learn to control his anger and use it, which is something I think Anduin could really use about now, and is why I keep emphasizing his sword.