Anduin's MANHOOD

I like that his beard is patchy. Reminds me of those kids in highschool they where just tools and cried to their gf when they got caught cheating.

As a horde fan im happy this is the humans leader.

That is worryingly specific lol.

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If your Horde leaders were worth their salt you would have already taken advantage of the Alliance’s weakness. How far the mighty Horde have fallen. You let a troll and a zombie be Warchief. What’s next, a Murgle Warchief?

not that you give people ptsd but you make fun of it, or have the attitude of just get over it. thats a jerk move.

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Op,there is more to a character than brute strength, there is the journey a person must take that always includes the journey of soul and the willingness to overcome those obstacles .

You are trying to say that crying is a weakness ,you maybe disagree to my explanation of is a burning of a soul searching for a cure . Burning it away releases the pain to the surface and smooths the surface isn’t this the case with the sword and Azeroth? He has come to age he is a Man.


he summoned a bubble in the maw, and its hard to do anything religious in the maw.

plus the jailer was a huge fan of Arthas, and a young blonde prince reminded him of his favorite miniature.

Anduin is the reason why I don’t play alliance. He’s just an emo filled leader that is nothing like Varian. He’s not a leader worth fighting for. Every time I see him he’s talking about his feelings and I’m honestly sick of it. This guy needs to man up, pick up his dad’s sword and be a freaking gigachad.

So you’re saying men should be emotionless pricks who solve everything with violence? What a load of crap.

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I don’t know who I told this to, but Anduin reminds me of the movie The Last Boy Scout.

Where Bruce Willis character looks in the rearview mirror of his car and says,

“Nobody likes you, everyone hates you, you are going to lose, smile you expletive!”

First things first, venting through anger or violence has been proven to be a healthy way to vent many times. I don’t know if anyone here has seen the things where people take a sledgehammer and smash something that’s going to be thrown away anyways, or the countless movies and films that have shown people often go to boxing (usually punching bags) to release frustration and stress. Slaughtering nearly endless hordes of void corrupted bugs coming to claim the soul of your world seems like it’s a pretty great way to vent that stress, anger, and frustration, without hurting anyone he cares about. Along with that as a child both Varian and Anduin were weaker then normal, in Varians case, after the death of his father he was sent to Anduin Lothar, who trained him to be the strongest WARRIOR azeroth had ever seen. Anduin on the other hand had to fight “shoulder to shield” in a war after his fathers death, where in the BFA intro cinematic he clearly shows he has the strength and rage potentials of his father when he slams his sword down on the troll causing a shockwave. Seeing more correlation between the two would be great, Anduin clearly has strong connections to the light, even if they are somewhat dormant RN, it would be great to see him grow as a warrior and king.
Second, Anduin being scarred from what the Jailer did to him, and forced him to do with his own hands while he could do nothing but watch, listen, and feel, seems pretty understandable. Anduins reaction when his PTSD occurred was not to shrivel up and cry, it was to draw his sword, so I don’t understand why people are complaining about him being too emotional when talking to a close friend and not stoic enough, when his reaction was to literally DRAW HIS SWORD.
Third, Blizzard is kinda low on strong warriors ATM (Paladins count as warriors, just warriors of the light/void). Whether you like them or not, they have always added to the story, whether Grom was trying to save his people from the corruption of the fel, or Garrosh ruining any image of honor the horde had in his several hypocritical feats of dishonor, even Varians journey from a rage bound slaughterhouse to a warrior that fights for his country, his people, and his world. Turalyon exists, but has few feats of strength other than fighting the legion for thousands of years, he was more of a quick fix replacement for Tyrion. Anduin being son of Goldrinns chosen and the strongest warrior in WoW and namesake of one of the Alliance’s strongest warriors Anduin Lothar makes for a great person to have as the next powerhouse of the Alliance. I love representation of other classes as well, but most of the warriors have been killed off. Jaina in particular is a great character lore wise in my opinion.
Lastly, if you didn’t notice, Shalamayne has lost its glow, the same glow that has changed colors when passed down and then when it was corrupted by the soul of Arthas and domination magic. That being said, the swords’ whole purpose was to keep Varians rage and anger in check so he did not lash out on his friends and family as Anduin did in said cutscene. We also saw that 2 people helped Anduin to free himself of the domination, Sourfang and Varian, the other 2 wielders of Shalamayne, who both died wielding the sword (yes I know Varian dropped it to his side seconds before he died, still counts). Considering the sword was used to patch the 2 broken halves of Varians soul, Jaina obviously gave it some dope soulbinding power. Hopefully this could lead to Anduin being able to get some advice on what he is going through if he does manage to let his anger out on a swarm of void bugs, and happens to split the sword in a fit of FURY. To clarify something as well, Anduin according to lore and not class titles is already a paladin, all a paladin is in lore is someone who wields the power of the light/void and fights in melee combat with plate armor, even in game healing paladins use hammers of light to smash their opponent while healing the group. A priest is just someone who uses the powers of the void/light.
“My son, A terrible darkness has returned to our world. As before, it seeks to annihilate everything we hold dear. I go to face it, knowing I will not return. All my life I have lived by the sword, I’ve seen kingdoms burn and watched brave heroes die in vain. It’s been difficult for me to trust after losing so much, But from you, I have learned patience, tolerance and faith. Anduin I now believe as you do that peace is the noblest aspiration, but to preserve it, you must be willing to fight.”- Varian Wrynn
Thought I should also throw in the best WoW quote there is.
On a side note, I understand since Varian was killed by the fel, most think his soul is GONE, however, time and time again visions of varian have appeared from the sword during Anduins times of need, like during the “what a king must do” situation. This makes me believe there is a good chance Varians soul is inside the blade, it wouldn’t be the first time we have seen someone’s soul be inside a powerful sword (Frostmourne).
To address, “If your Horde leaders were worth their salt you would have already taken advantage of the Alliance’s weakness. How far the mighty Horde have fallen. You let a troll and a zombie be Warchief. What’s next, a Murgle Warchief?”. The alliance is currently not weakened by Anduins absence as they have the most experienced leader in WoWs military history as there Regent King, They also have the powerhouse otherwise known as Jaina Proudmore who proved that her feats of strength alone are enough to rival that of the entire horde, when all it took was a single step off a ship to freeze an entire invasion party sent by the horde, or when she flew her warship through the sky with magic power and assisted in the assault on undercity/lordaeron. Even when a fleet of ships were sieging her city with canons and her reply was to frostbolt the cannonballs out of the air. The best part is she isn’t the only powerhouse on the side of the Alliance, while I hate her character Tyrande has made clear that she is no pushover, and her husband is someone to be feared, although he takes long naps.

PS: In WoW lore Anduin is similar to Illidan in that most cosmic powers or forces seek him as he is prophesied to lead the greatest army azeroth has ever known against the worse enemy to ever seek Azeroth’s power, he has also showed a better connection to the light than almost anyone else, while at times also being able to wield the void.

i really hope the monk replies with another UGH MASCULINE BAD

The funny thing is that folks that present this kind of mentality seem to forget that anger and frustration and jealousy are emotions, too. And the dudes of WoW are very emotional when you include those…well…emotions.

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All of that is part of the point of the character. He was shoved into his position before he was ready and never got a chance to properly grow into it which was bad enough, but then the Shadowlands stuff happened and he was then forced to act against the best interests of the people he was supposed to be leading on top of that.

In the modern context it’s kind of like a high schooler getting dropped into the role of CEO of a multinational corporation that he’s then expected to steer and maintain. Someone like that is going to be too busy trying to keep up to develop personally in any meaningful way, and it wouldn’t be surprising if such a person were to break down and become mired in self-doubt when the walls start caving in, even years into their adulthood.

WOW, anger is toxic, violence is bad, end of story
Edit: like this post if wow should be renamed WORLD OF LOVECRAFT

Kinda simplistic, but you do you.

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lol sorry, was I trolling a bit to hard with that one?

Eh, I was picking up victimhood vibes, am I off there?

Victimhood vibes?

Like a, “Everyone thinks everything manly is toxic! Everyone is attacking all men!” kind of thing. Maybe I misinterpreted. If so, my apologies.

Oh no, I was just trying to predict what the monk was ganna say, I’ve been getting a good laugh from all the comments they have made, every time someone says anything like Anduin could grow a little hair down there (not saying i think he needs to LOL) the monk has gotten very opinionated LOL.