Anduin + Wrathion shippers, our time is now! (Spoilers)

Anduin has some twisted version of survivors guilt. Feels he is guilty for not being strong enough to resist domination magic so even though he had no conscious will or say over his actions, the fact bad/hurt was afflicted on others from his body still weighs on his mind.

Why he thinks he’ll atone for that by hanging out with Sylvanas ridding the maw of souls is beyond me but since his survivors guilt is illogical to begin with, whatever twisted logic makes sense to him to be the “cure” is also sure to be flawed too.

Really it’s just a convenient way to keep him out of the story and likely to serve as a future plot hook for the eventual Light vs Void Expansion possibly being brought to Azeroth by Turalyon and Alleria themselves.

steve danuser just wants to write anduin out

Anduin is in the maw helping sylvanas right now.
I dont think he will even be in this expansion unless they are done. And I doubt it will be that fast.

second thread made today on this subject

you sound desperate

I want more Anduin/Wrathion moments like this:


Koro Mistwalker seemed interested. :thinking:

Koro Mistwalker says: Anduin, will you join me? With the saurok threat at bay for now, it’s time we discuss our next move.

Anduin Wrynn says: Certainly.

Anduin walks over from his position to where Koro is sitting.

Anduin Wrynn says: There should be plenty of anti-venom, thanks to .

Koro Mistwalker says: Thank you - both of you. The Red Crane has always symbolized hope to our people, but in his absence, I fear that even my thoughts began to darken.

Anduin Wrynn says: Think no more on despair, Koro. We have a saying where I’m from: It is darkest just before the dawn.

Koro Mistwalker chuckles.

Koro Mistwalker says: That it is. You speak with a wisdom beyond your years. If we get through this, I think I’d like to know more about where you’re from.

Can’t wait until Anduin and Talia become a thing, and the Wranduin ship is sent straight into an iceberg.

According to the Sylvanas novel she apparently sees Anduin as a replacement for her dead little brother so that’s a whole new level of…Sylvanas and Anduin BOTH need therapy. Plus her actual boyfriend is somewhere in the Maw…whether he’s a wandering soul or was forged into a paperweight somewhere in Torghast.

Not happening. She’d dump him days later.

Bolvar goes into dad mode…what happened?

Dad…i got tired of telling him to grow a pair. it was like girls night out…but even my girl bff’s have more of a pair than he does.

I want to keep reading this, so popcorn…

Anduin is still a teen. He is 18 as of right now, Salandria is like 18 as well.

Stop romanticising underage relationships please. Wraithion is still considered underage n dragon-years.

shipping is so dumb. whatever floats your boat I guess. or your fictional boat with that boat over there on the other pier. or something.

also, OP is back. ya…y


Anduin likes the ladies.

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They’re keeping Anduin in Shadowlands because they don’t want to pick up the Anduin/Wrathion romance subplot until a later patch after 10.0

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Btw there was a leak that Anduin and Taelia was suppose to have a small story to build them up to loving each other but it was cut in Shadowlands. Take that!

Gotta love the promotion of toxic masculinity.

It was cut because they knew Anduin was too morally pure to cheat on his boyfriend

Aviela has created like 100 threads on anduin and wrathion…its disturbing to say the least.


Why? I think Anduin x Wrathion is cute.