Anduin + Wrathion shippers, our time is now! (Spoilers)

I mean that was the only point of this thread

ha ha my first thought was oscars and will smith chris rock of course :laughing:

Stop. Necroing. Threads!


Holy necro, Batman.

stop spam necroing these threads. not you qamaits. meant quote someone else.

I think you have the wrong poster here Bread.

yeah i meant to quote someone else.

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I do what I want!

Until the mods smack you for breaking the forum CoC.


until the hammers come for you. bad elf bad elf what ya gonna do when the hammers come for you?

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Well, that didn’t turn out the way you thought it would did it OP?!

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Threads like this lead me to believe in the theory that Anduin was excluded from DF to curb the Wranduin shippers.


this is a necro thread

I’m aware. That was the point.

God I hope so.

When people don’t understand how gross they are, shipping an 18 year old (in MoP) and a 6 year old (in MoP)… they then become SUPER gross.

Think about that shippers… think about those numbers, then regret what you’ve done here.

OH! and if you think it’s gotten better, Anduin is almost 30 now… Wrathion is still like 15 now… ANY LESS GROSS?!


i believe anduin is like 22-23 by now. he was 18 in bfa then 19-20 in sl then this time skip here is abt 3 years iirc. i think wrahtion is like 13 or something. dont make it any better lol but its kinda funny how from bfa to now is like 5 years lol.

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And not to mention it’s already been established that Anduin is straight.

Also, I believe Wrathion is 12 now and Anduin would be around 24 at this time.


You have issues.

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I think you and Moondoggie are right on this, I think I had my numbers mixed up. It’s still very gross to ship these two.


To me in MOP, Anduin and Wrathion were both teenage boys. Back then I was also a teenager, so I shipped teenagers. What of it? Honestly though Wrathion acted far older than just a teenager as a whelp. Dragons also age differently than mortals. Currently I would say Wrathion is very much taking on responsibilities that an adult would right now. His current title is that he’s a Diplomat of the Black Dragonflight. So I see him as an adult. Plus he’s had pretty much full on beard and facial hair since he was a whelp. I’d say mentally he’s far surpassed simple human adult mentality.
People ship Wrathion and Anduin because they were opposites. Anduin wanted peace and Wrathion wanted war between horde and alliance because he saw that it made them stronger. They would have debates because of this but in a way where they respected eachother’s intelligence. That’s why people want them to be a thing. Not just because “I want me gae ship!!11” Their relationship would ACTUALLY be interesting.