Anduin + Wrathion shippers, our time is now! (Spoilers)

quoting for when he doesnt. and if he does it will only be a cameo moment, like khadgar in shadowlands now. hes not going to be a main character this xpac.

the stay a while was added to explain his absence for a while while he reflects on things.

Is there something you wish to know about me? ask :^3

Where did you make this correlation that is not cool at all to suggest about anyone invested in LGBTQ+ stories


whats an OTP moment
never mind i looked it up :face_vomiting:

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Anduin will be absent from the whole 10.0.

Hear me out hear me out. Anduin could make history by becoming…


Blizz. Make this happen.

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No, Anduin should date and then wed Salandria the Blood Elf orphan. For those who don’t know, Salandria is now in her late teens in a recent patch for Shadowlands and was involved in a quest to quell scourge incursion into Quel’Thalas.


or maybe they’ll kill off Wrathion… I mean you’re forgetting who the writers are.


You’re suggesting that a human adult dates a blood elf teenager. And you see wrong with that? Nothing at all?

Um so…yeah…about that whole Wrathion x Anduin thing.

I hope Wrathion is prepared to go beyond the now fixed veil and take a little trip to the Maw…cause his boy Anduin is gonna be hanging out with Sylvie down there doing some self-afflicted soul cleansing.

And well…2 broken souls in a literal hellscape. The only kind of comfort they may find is in each other’s arms. They’ve already bonded over their shared torment over being dominated by the Jailer and their shared fate (though Anduin is subjagating himself to that fate).

Tale as old as time
Song as old as Rhyme
Beauty and her crybaby bleeding heart beast of a loser.

isnt wrathion considered a child still?

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anduin + yrel

i did see anduins facial expression in the judgement cinematic. like he feels also responsible and wants to repent

As much as we love this ship. I have a weird feeling… that anduin and slyvanas are gonna be a thing. He was the only one of two who reacted. The other being Vereesa but she’s her ….sister :flushed: so… thats prob not gonna happen. I think they are gonna put anduin and slyv together. :frowning: UNFORTUNATELY.

i am for this. 100%

also anduin x yrel

but imagine anduin and sylvanas babies. so cute

dragons seemed to age differenently.

as he was made the lead and bestest ever subject matter expert ever on the void.

with alleria and Velen probably going wth…I wasn’t even asked. as even velen I am sure being holy as holy can be could give some input. Or he’d at least go you know I have this order hall in legion. It has a void section with a freaky as hell gnome (think it was a gnome) in charge. Gnome has been doing void for 16 years. Wrathion 8. I can call them up.

In short azeroth has long list of void experts who’d outweigh an 8 year old. if they were 8.

When you have a 10,000 year old elf who is properly trained in the void arts (and powered up by a naaru essence injestion) passed over…the whole 8 years old theory gets weak as hell. IMO.

Velen with 25000 years of experience just takes a 50 cal machine gun to the theory and blows it all to hell.

In the context of old law? It’s totally normal. 16f + 22m is pretty standard in many parts of the world and was here not long ago. We’ve adjusted things for modern society and that’s fine, but wow isn’t a modern society.

What’s wrong with this?