Anduin with PTSD. What am I missing?

to say SL is the only reason he could have ptsd is to also forgetting Anduin has literally only known war and planet ending disasters since he has been able to speak. Give the dude a break.


So has basically every major character. He doesn’t get a free pass for being sheltered royalty.


Blah blah blah. anduin didn’t even do anything. He stabbed big winged chick and fought us and lost. Anything else we didn’t see happen, so I don’t care about what “books” say he did.

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i got ptsd dealing with sl myself so i don’t blame him in some ways lol.

hopefully he grows here this expansion bc he really needs to.

Seriously, that place should be a raid boss lmao!

A guy I use to work with always said “The truth is in the code”. Then there’s the book by Tracy Kidder, “The Soul of a New Machine”. So maybe you are on to something.

By the way, at one point I worked for Data General on their 32 bit Eclipse.

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What would be the boss powers? Uncomfortable stare? Gooey?

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Theres so much lol, but i do not think we can openly talk about them in public lmao!

Just the ERP alone would destroy a raid group lol!

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Exactly this. If it wasn’t depicted in-game, it didn’t happen.

I’m stealing this… and you can’t stop me.

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What does that make The Void? :rofl:

Damn. Half of the people in the forums have a PTSD episode every time the servers are down.

Is it really that weird that someone would have it from getting dragged into Hell and losing all control of their body while they’re forced to do things against their will?


people think shadowlands alone is a reason why hes like that, kinda right but alone, no its not.

look at everything he did up till now, when his father was gone, he was named king, force to lead the alliance in the midst of the end of the world (legion), had to deal with the war in bfa, and shadowlands he had to deal with losing control of his entire will, the process alone scars many people, but forced to attack everyone.
kinda puts stress on you.

specially since the fact that you have to stand near a handsome squidward robot in a nsfw outfit.

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The Void would be the LED set to OFF.

Sadly, the Void is merely Vantablack paint. But, like, SEVERAL coats of it.

And, according to Steve Danuser, “It’s like all edgy and emo, bro! It listens to Disturbed all night long and writes down the lyrics to the songs with its calligraphy pens in a notebook! That’s because it (the sentient paint) hasn’t been allowed to dry!”

Wouldn’t most people crumble if their parent (or mentor/best friend if your parent sucks) died? I feel like just his mother dying at a young age and his father being disenchanted by guldan is already more than anyone else here would be willing to take. Batman had his parents and the most recent movie has him go pretty messed up yet people loved that. Idk though I’m pretty autistic so it’s hard to relate to anything.

But those deaths are just the beginning of the horrible childhood and young adolescenthood he had yet people here seem to be like “whatta weenie lmao”

So confusing

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But this concept was too exaggerated in new generation characters who see that it is worse than characters who went through worse things and did not have to cry like Steven Universe or become a bad meme on Twitter like others like Varian, Durotan, Thrall, Illidan, Garona, and ARTHAS himself.

I think Blizzard has to get serious about its characters of past and now.

And that is inherently the issue with a multimedia franchise where nearly EVERYTHING outside of the game with rare exception (mainly a certain 1/4 orc, 1/4 draenei, 1/2 human Marty Stu that shall not be named…) is not only canon, but also important towards understanding certain aspects of the storyline within the game itself.

This isn’t like pre-Disney Star Wars where games, comics, novels, animated series, and films were in an ascending hierarchy where an item higher up the list would override a lore discrepancy on a lower tier. We’re talking about a series where when things happen off screen, people that only play the games get exceptionally confused, or they start to think X character is suddenly acting out of character.

Like, imagine the uproar we’d have seen if say a character such as Li Li Stormstout was killed in a tie in novel for Shadowlands, was raised by Bolvar, became a member of the Knights of the Ebon Blade, and was a key NPC in Shadowlands. Such a thing would have been especially jarring for anyone that had a monk as their main character in Legion.

Or, for a more Horde centric example: imagine if Zekhan suddenly had his role as an ambassador expanded with Thrall naming him as an ambassador to the Alliance within a novel prior to War Within? It’d be quite odd for Alliance players to suddenly see the troll that was introduced as a rookie soldier that idolized Saurfang in BfA hanging around near Stormwind Keep.

Granted, the first example was on the extreme side, but that Zekhan example is something I just thought of that could very well be within the realm of possibility. Now, it’d be one thing if that happened in a pre-expansion quest chain. No one would bat an eye if there was a quest chain as we transitioned from SL>WW that culminated in seeing the Thrall/Anduin WW cinematic in game with an end result of it being a character from each faction showing up in the other faction city as an ambassador (for an Alliance rep, let’s say Kelsey Steelspark)

However, for something that major to get thrown in a novel? Yeah, people are going to want to know why there is suddenly a troll/gnome running around in the opposing faction city :laughing:


I completely agree. I used to read the books all the time but their quality really went downhill in a hurry (transition from Richard Knaak to Christie Golden), so I stopped.

It was jarring when some of my favorite characters like Rhonin and Krasus (Korialstrasz) died offscreen. In a book.

we all saw it…so…we all have ptsd?