Anduin with PTSD. What am I missing?

Yes that’s right, take by force, take by purchase.

When King Kamehameha V died he left his succession in question. There was a lot of infighting and chaos until a group of fruit companies organized a coup and took over the government.

The US took the government from them.

You make it sound as if the fruit companies had their ill gotten goods seized after succesfully first undermining and then siezing the government…

The United States organised a government that was very favorable to fruit company operations in Hawaii, it’s neglect of the aboriginal inhabitants ultimately led to the decimation of the native population to the point where pure-bred Hawaiians are rare.

He seems to identify with Green people when he is getting a beat down, since in the cinematic, he had Saurfang in his head as well.

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Anduin does have many men inside him, I agree. White men, green men, grey Zo men… Anduin is very open to all cultures.

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I used to make jokes about Anduin being some jailbait tease, sneaking around having jail house interludes with Saurfang…

But the fact that later, the Jailer used Anduin as his personal Jailhouse “Flesh fused with Light” sock puppet makes those previous jokes seem tame. A bit too on the nose.


well i guess kruts is dead

Would’ve replied sooner, but don’t have as much time these days. Can’t think of anything to say about Anduin that hasn’t already been said, so…

Capitalism is ultimately about private ownership of business, PROFIT matters more - for better or worse - than increased jobs, and capitalism neither forbids nor requires shutting others out (teamwork and making better products are also fine).

Sounds like another “United States are evil” rant. If it’s so bad, why don’t you find another country like Venezuela, Sweden or China and go live there instead?

Are you Hawaiian? Is that why you play on an Oceanic server? Or are you Australian?
It’s rare to find an American patriotic native Hawaiian. American Patriotism is not surprising coming from you honestly, regardless of where you are from. It’s part and parcel of the dogma you’ve been spouting.

Are you an American living on a foreign military base? That would also track.

Have you ever been to china? Apart from the poor regions of the countryside living in china is pretty good, you have acess to alot of things that americans don’t have, and without china the american way of living would not exist, I mean 90% of the things you buy are made with Chinese labor.

I’m not chinese and I do not like the totalitarian regime they have but, BUT the quality of live of the middle class or rich ppl in china is really good. Even better than americans, so telling her to go live in china may actually be an upgrade.

And your comment as rather rude… I mean not need to attack her personally.

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Venezuela is falling to the right wing, I can’t stand most Asian foods, and Sweden has no use for someone as old as I am. More importantly this is MY country as much as yours and if pointing out what is wrong is a step in making it better it’s a patriotic duty to do so.

When you can’t address the message to one’s satisfaction it’s a time honored tradition to behead the messenger.

Sometimes you say the most beautiful things.

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I always love this. Basically saying that, “instead of fixing the countries’ flaws, critics should just go away because reasons”. Typical conservative nonsense.

A true patriot seeks to improve the country for the benefit of ALL of its citizens. Not just the entitled few. Sadly it sounds like you are of the opposite view Thadeus. That the entitled few deserve to exploit the system while everyone else suffers and anyone who dares challenge that is a traitor and should leave.


I like free speech, freedom of religion, free market and other things totalitarian state atheism China sorely lacks.

Venezuela’s shifting right because their current left-wing regime is ruining the country (Déjà vu?), there’s also some shifty food practices in China so fair point, and I don’t know your age or why that would matter in Sweden.

I’m not American, never was. As for its problems, some things we disagree on, some things we agree on. I’ve never asked someone why leave a country they regularly criticize before, so I decided to try now.

I already addressed the message repeatedly here and elsewhere, so I chose to ask that.

There’s a difference between saying someone should leave and asking why they don’t.

I’m an independent who can see various sides points and currently agree with more conservatives’ arguments than progressives’ arguments.

Weak personal attack and strawman; asking why someone doesn’t leave is not telling them to leave or calling them a traitor.

Drah would do better with constructive criticism instead of regular “Screw this about the US” rants.

Y’know, it never even once occurred to me that you weren’t either from the US or Canada. I just assumed you were from North America like a lot of us.

Just an unexpected realization. Doesn’t change anything except maybe a dawning idea that maybe I shouldn’t assume everyone posting here is either openly Aussie or from this continent (which obviously isn’t “this continent” for you and instead would be “that continent”).

Unwarranted observation over, carry on discussing politics in an Anduin thread!!

And yet you demand that people who disagree with you should leave their country of birth. Sounds like you don’t like free speech at all.

We have the idiom “Don’t kill the messenger” for that exact reason Drah.

One of the ways you flex your power is to ignore that idiom. :slight_smile:

Isn’t that part of the Evil Overlord’s Handbook?

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You mean Machiavelli’s The Prince?

“The best fortress is to be found in the love of the people, for although you may have fortresses, they will not save you if you are hated by the people.”

No I mean the meme of which the original is the MIT list.

Just checked… rule 32 advises otherwise.

  1. I will not fly into a rage and kill a messenger who brings me bad
    news just to illustrate how evil I really am. Good messengers are
    hard to come by.

You claim a question was a demand in a weak attempted personal attack. Not worth retaliation.