Anduin with PTSD. What am I missing?

Believe it or not China and India are not the only countries representing humanity. Did you forget much of Latin America, Europe and many parts of East Asia and Africa disagree with the abusive treatment of the imprisoned and most nations seek to adhere to the universal declaration of human rights and international agreements. The USA, Russia, China and Israel, Saudi Arabia and a few others are the outliers. International conventions on the rules and treatment of criminals puts the USA’s treatment of prisoners way out of the norm of most First World countries.

China and India are not the only countries I mentioned. Now add in the rest of them. In East Asia, we have the Rohingya genocide, in Africa there’s Darfur and Rwanda, the list goes on.

Also, if the US is such a terrible place to live, why are so many more people trying to come here than we see people leaving?

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Let me explain, the USA is an empire. My people were largely abused and had their rights violated by the American Empire. Look up sterilization programs and the origins of birth control. Look up Puerto Rico and the colonial status and abuses by the American government. Then research the Banana Wars and the USA’s involvement in overthrowing governments all over the world.

The reason is that so many people end up resigning themselves and moving into the empire. It’s because contradictorily the empire can also be one of the safest places to be in the Americas. Better to be within the empire than outside of it. The USA makes sure to bully its neighbors routinely kill any nation’s attempts to equal rights and economic reforms. The USA makes it a point to fund fascist coups and governments the world over for profits! Wherever genocide and war happen you better believe it’s going to be funded by the big 3 empires - USA, Russia, China. Either 3 will benefit directly or indirectly. The next 2 empires right behind them are the British and French.

I don’t want to burst your bubble, but the USA isn’t the nice benevolent nation you’ve been led to believe. Never has been, but ideally if properly reformed and the corruption ended. Maybe one day it can be, but today and foreseeable tomorrow it won’t be.

That said. Torture is wrong. Exploitation is wrong. Murdering innocents is wrong. I hope we can agree to that regardless of our politics, and we shouldn’t go into anything more political than we already have. Equal rights aren’t some radical position and if you disagree then that says more about you than anything else.

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Every nation has things in their past you could point out and make a similar argument. To say that is reflective of US foreign policy in general is pure nonsense.

Even better, all those so-called atrocities Anduin supposedly did? I say supposedly because Anduin didn’t do them himself, he was literally mind-controlled or possessed.

Spot on, though the current US President exhibits more and more signs of dementia and he hasn’t been removed from office.

Those that flagged you probably deserve a gag-ball strapped in tight. :wink:

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It’s unsurprising that someone who thinks this way lacks any sort of empathy towards what other people go through.

Close your eyes and pretend you are unable to control your own body. Now picture your best friend. Now picture your arms stabbing them against your own will. Now picture doing that multiple times. How do you feel?

In the past? Review the last 20 years, within my lifetime. If you keep moving the goal post then you can justify evil. It was back then. We didn’t mean to. They deserved it. Those people are dead now, why mention it? My grandma is 103. She remembers. My mom is in her 60s. She remembers. I remember. It’s not the past for us.

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Anduin stabbed robots against his will. It’d be tedious, not terrible.

Someone who thinks what way? As a religious man who has seen an exorcism in-person, I know more about possession than you realize.

Taking a deeper look at the lore is why I seem to “lack empathy” for Anduin. Anduin did not kill nor even harm those close to him (except maybe PCs as a raid boss, but I don’t know if those deaths make it into lore). Apart from them, he didn’t kill anyone - the Archon survived, the Primus was unharmed.

While possession is traumatic, those exorcised are healed - and those I have seen were glad to be free after - and realize that it wasn’t them doing those things, but the one possessing them (in this case, the Jailer). I also find it strange that he’d have a crisis of faith in the Light as it played a role in him breaking free of the Jailer.

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Ok you have made your claim. Of course you are not backing it up with any facts. So have at it, make your case.

And remember, all countries have foreign intelligence services that do questionable things. So prove that what other countries do with their foreign policy is far less harmful than what the US does.

That is, prove with actual facts that can be verified.

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Anduin did what?

Anduin attacked his allies, killed many in pursuit of the sigils, and given what Blizzard has said about raid bosses (and even shown in every raid cinematic made), canonically killed raiders who he worked with in the past.

He only broke free once he was commanded to kill his “aunt” Jaina and you the player who he probably has known for as long as WoW has existed.

And this is after he was mentally tortured and abused by the Jailor, and he did all of this against his own will. And the worst part is he can’t tell whether he enjoyed it or not. My theory is that it was his and Arthas’ feelings about killing intermixing.

Honestly I don’t expect you to understand, and you probably aren’t the target audience anyway, because there’ll always be people who don’t understand the concept of empathy and how strong that is in forging relationships with fictional characters to make one invested in the story.

Man who Put his entire character in the box of “I Care about people and want them to be safe” gets turned into a weapon that makes him a threat to people he cared about and makes them UnSafe and, on top of that, can’t tell if the part of him that kind of liked it was his or not.

Like, C’mon people is this really that hard to grasp?

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Aka 90% of wow’s target demographic

Never shown.

Never shown.

Not canon; no corpses in Anduin’s fight area.

And his Ghost Dads, Saurfang and Varian whispered in his ear.

Hell, we didn’t even clamp the Crown of Wills (the inexplicable McGuffin we constructed) onto his noggin to help him snap out of it.

Face it; canonically, Anduin stabbed a robot ineffectually and stole its sigil; the source of his PTSD.

lol wut

And she was broken for years after???

Let’s not forget that people experience trauma differently. But someone as sheltered as you wouldn’t know that

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Face it, you’re wrong.

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This is so silly.

The characters (Jaina Sylvanas etc) are right there when Anduin attacks the raid.

We see NPC corpses littered about when chasing him around the sigils. In the Night Fae area specifically you see dozens of them.

Anduin was captured at the very beginning of Shadowlands and we didn’t rescue him til after a year, throughout which he served the jailor. You don’t need to be shown that

Raid bosses canonically kill raiders, unless you think 25-40 people enter a raid and leave unscathed. Every cinematic we see shows that as well. Blizzard has said this in their own words. Every time you wipe that’s raiders being killed. It’s what makes these people dangerous.

And despite all that he broke free (because he has a lot of willpower), and now he blames himself for everything he did and even says he fears he may have enjoyed it.

You are just a deeply unserious person and I’m not even sure why I continue to engage. Enough.


Arguably from the other denizens of the Maw.

Blizzard said that time moves differently in the Shadowlands.

Shows Jaina, Sylvanas and the Raider. That’s it. The three of us took him down. That’s how the fight goes, canonically.

He stabbed a robot. The Archon. Woo.

Then enjoy it. Don’t wallow in self-pity from abusing robots.

Because your knowledge of lore is weak and you’re seeking guidance from your betters.

You even got that wrong. Like this; watch.


But…it kind of was. Or at least was directly mentioned in game.

“Yes, my Friends who I almost killed.”

I think a few people need to review the material that played in-game in Shadowlands because I think people hotwashed it from their brains for being related to Shadowlands.

The cutscene for the TWW is just this but several years later with no healing done becaues of course you’re not gonna heal if all you have is the hell thoughts for company