Anduin should be gay

So if Blizzard said it is resolved, you’d stop?

The Alliance must fall. That is not up for debate. The alliance must suffer the same way the Horde did during Bfa.

No. Because it is obvious they are lying to protect alliance players feelings.

Like I said, ironic, lol.

Give me a dead Jaina and a sunken Kul Tiran fleet. Then i will be happy.

You are very bad at following your own advice.

If you cannot even follow it yourself, how do you expect others to? You need to lead by example, Evian! Be the leader we all need you to be!! Be the leader who can show us all how to

Why should I accept my faction being trashed by bad writing? Alliance players need to check their privilige.

It is not your faction until you leave Exile’s Reach and join us. But if you ever do that, then you’ll need to follow the advice of a wise man, one who wants to lead us to a glorious future. You will need to


Since your are a supporter of the Baine way for the Horde I show no respect for you. Get out of my sight blue traitor.

But I’m trying to learn from you. Teach me! Show me strength!! Shows me honor!! Show me a leader who can stand by his own words!! Show me the wisdom of

Honor means nothing. What matters is victory. And the Horde council blew our chances when they agreed to that filthy peace treaty. If the Horde wants to be great again then the council must be removed from power.

You know what we need? We need the Choosen One food recipe! If only Erevien can find the mythical recipe and save the horde!

Foodie-Wan! You’re our only cooking master! Save us!

But how can we be expected to follow a leader who cannot even stand by his own words? How can we trust a man who will say in one voice

But then with his next breath,

Be the leader and the voice people need!! Speak with conviction!! Speak with belief in your own words!!! Don’t be like those puny humans, who say one thing but mean another!! Be the type of leader who could bring the Horde to greatness and believe in what you say!!!

Be greatness, Evian!!!

I will ignore you now. You have proven now that you are just another one of those spineless traitors who support the Horde council. Bugger off traitor scum.

I guess Evian doesn’t want the Horde to have a strong leader.
:frowning_face: :frowning_face: :frowning_face:

I am not a puppet of Stormwind. Unlike the entire Horde council who sold out their entire faction to enemy interests.

Of course you’re not. Because Stormwind isn’t real silly :rofl:

Go back to the alliance where you belong. Soon a revolution will start that will wipe away the Horde council scum.

Nah. I’ll think I’ll support Cookie Monster in his conquest of the evil Cookie Jar :rofl:

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished: :astonished:
