Anduin should be gay

Whenever I hear the word androgynous I think of Annie Lennox in the 80’s. Would be pretty cool of they made Anduin look like her from the Sweet Dreams video.

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Or maybe the Marilyn Manson version? But I guess this ship has sailed.


As a gay man myself that’s rude

Introducing teachings about homosexuality to the Light has a small chance of working well (making the Light its own in-universe thing)… and a HUGE chance of going badly (retconning things into the story like the Jailer was, ruining the escapism aspect of WoW by adding real-world social issues, alienating fans - which is the last thing the community needs at this point and/or being used for angstheist ax-grinding).


I actually like the Marilyn Manson remake better then the original…
::runs and hides from people::

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Yes - you were rude. I simply replied in kind.

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Turalyon is married and heavily in love with his wife. This thread is ridiculous and so counterproductive. He’s shown no signs and that’s trying to force representation and stereotypes which is stepping in the worse directions. If you wanna force things like this stick to your fan fictions otherwise enjoy the game for what it is and the story for what it is. He’s shown interest in women slightly with dwarfs and Draenei but never any interest period EVER in men so don’t force what’s not there. If anything he could clearly be Ace and that deserves representation in itself but to suddenly retcon years of wow lore so you can have Anduin plowed by a dragon is just fetishism to the game and you need to go to some lewder forums and sites for that.


Do they work for Nintendo as well?

He’s gay. Get over it.

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Johnny never accused Hadji of being responsible for his father’s death. Call me strange but I’d think that would put just a bit of a gulf of distance.?

He already asked her once… She threw him back.

It’s more the fanbase on this board who did that. Anduin only looks “gay” when compared to his Hero Chin father, because of the expectations that some, perhaps many hold as expectations of “manliness”. Or fixation on people insisting of a strict binary definitions of sexual orientation.

Talk about Twilight level potentials for a bad relationship no matter what your gender is.

Muting a topic is still a thing.

Why? Shaw’s orientation has never been defined before and Flynn as in the examples above was a new character who may well be bi. Or he may be as open as Captain Jack Harkness. “Hey… poodle!”

The fact that Wrathion was responsible for unleashing Garoosh on the planet JUST might have had something to do with it. Wrathion committed acts that a single mailed is far from sufficient punishment.

Welcome to the new “Replacement Conspiracy”.

I used to think that a decent percentage of Americans were on your level of rational thought. I’ve never been proven so wrong.,

Why? is it because you’re comparing him to his rip snorting Hero Chin Father? I have a surprise for you. I’ve known gay men who could have been an exact match for him and straight men more effeminate than Anduin.

Someone still in grief over the death of a parent is normally not in a normal state of mind. and the N’zoth episode came later, possibly because N’zoth was following Wrathion and saw an opportunity.

This is when Dynastic Succession politics come to play. Essentially the Noble Houses start angling on which House would succeed the if the Wrynn line dead ends. Spies, Blackmailers, and Assasins find record employment during such a period.

The idea of Anduin and Wrathion hooking up would be this franchise’s level of Twilight relationship, an immortal manipulative bastard and a young impressionable opposite.

Keep in mind that they’re catering to an audience that doesn’t’ do well with nuance.

Did you forget what his role was in Warlords and Draenor? Wrathion is the epitome of being a Two-Faced Manipulative bastard. He’s right up there with his fellow black dragons, Onyxia, Neltharion, and Deathwing himself when the latter was playing the more subtle games with Alteraac nobility.

Remember to Wrathion, Anduin is just a momentary toy to play with like any other Human since on his time scale Anduin assuming something worst doesn’t happen will age and die in a blink of an eye. He’s not capable of sincere feelings towards anyone but especially not a mayfly Human.

I have issues with folks who assume that “lawful good” is more “good” than just being plain good.

Not so much stupid, but so rooted in manipulating people that he literally can’t walk a straight line of honesty.

Having Anduin be “gay” because he’s not as macho has his Hero Chin dad isn’t progressive, it’s yielding to one of the most regressive tropes about men who aren’t a hyper-masculine ideal.

Need one bring up the Woody Allen quote about Saturday nights?

Keep in mind that Anduin lost his mother at a very young age and the women he seems to be attracted to seem to be surrogates for her. Which is probably why Taelia wouldn’t even let him get to first base.

Most of the women he’s expressed interest him would not be viable breeding partners.

Also Heir by Adoption is a thing.

Which shows that he does have at least half a brain on his shoulders. Compared to Wrathion, Garak from Deep Space 9 is a straight shooter.

Wrathion has the ruthlessness of a true idealist. Also his worldview is skewed by need to escape the shadow of Deathwing to prove that he isn’t his corrupted progenitor.

Sorry lorelet. Anduin likes Draenei and Dwarf women. Any notion of him being homosexual died in Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm.

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Anduin and Wrathion are not gay. Accept that and move on.

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Even if Anduin were as gay as Liberace, Wrathion would be a Twilight-level of example of poor choice as a partner.

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b-b-but he’s so dreamy!!! Who cares if he got Anduin’s dad killed lol!

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I honestly would have preferred it if Wrathion didn’t make it out of Ny’alotha alive but…whatever. Here we are.

At least I know he’s competing with someone else for rulership of the black fight and I can pick that person to oppose him.

Now that’s ironic, given you were necroing old threads and repeat the same topic over and over.


I am calling out greedy alliance players who got handed everything to them in Bfa and still want more from Blizzard. Just like yourself who ignores the obviously alliance biased writing Blizzard puts out.

I’m just saying it is ironic to tell people to accept something and move on when you wouldn’t do as much for what you support.

Blizzard has already stated that Wrathion and Anduin are just friends and nothing more. The faction conflict however is not resolved yet because the alliance still occupies much of core horde territory. Until the alliance isn’t brought to its knees the war needs to continue until the victory is the Horde.

I mean…