Anduin should be gay

It was a general discussion forum thread that got dumped into here. The Story Forums is blizzards cesspool of garbage. And we are the Bin Chickens.

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Hey, I am no bin chicken. I am more of a raven!

I actually saw a raven hanging out by a dumpster next to a movie theater. Crazy, I don’t think I ever saw one that big up close. He was not scared of me at all, I walked right up to him. Seemed like he was half my size.

It was pretty cool. If I am a bird chilling in a dumpster, I wanna be that raven.

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Necroposting. Thread is from 2020.

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So because anduin is a guy that is always looking for peace and is generally very caring he has to be gay?


They can be addictive.

No. It’s interracial. Cloud serpents though…

Ah, found the garbage section of the forums.

He is though. Isn’t he? I thought he had a thing going with Wrathion

Ah, found the garbage poster on the thread.


Anduin should be rectconned out of existence and we deserve King Llane back.


That would surely confirm a load of suspicions people have had. Honestly I think if someone has to be gay in WoW Anduin is probably the worst one since he’s so unpopular. It should be someone like Rokhan or Turalyon

Who is married and had a kid… I mean it’s possible. I’ve met plenty of gay men who were married and had kids. Maybe Alleria going all Void had something to do with it.

I think his supposed “unpopularity” is over blown. Exhibit A:

Heck, the most recent cinematic about saving Anduin has some positive response, with the Anduin part and not with the Sylvanas part. Really, had that part not been there most people might have been ok with that cinematic.

Honestly, the Light has been so compared to Catholicism that I’m not sure how practitioners would feel about homosexuality.

There are a few characters who could be classified as LGBT, but a good portion of those are NPC’s who are in love with your character regardless of gender, which I wouldn’t really count personally.

You know that catholics(myself included) are not one hive mind right? Sure there is a huge degree of conservatism but at the same time at least a degree of liberalism as well. To the point that Pope Francis has show to at least be tolerant.

Hell, the Philippines, the only catholic country in Asia, seems to be on the path of allowing same sex union/at least talking about it.

I knew that, I grew up Christian and I know religions are large and diverse structures. But I was referring more to Catholic doctrine and present rather than Catholic people. Stormwind has the Light as a massive part of its culture, and as the dominating culture of the Alliance it seeps into most of the faction. Doctrine and practice are often two different things, but given how intermingled religion and state are in WoW I imagine it would be slightly less so to them.

Obviously, we really don’t know that just happens to be the connection I’ve heard from other people.

Luckily Steve Danuser said we can be who we want to be and love who they want to love. The game is meant to represent everyone and everyone includes gays.

Even more reason to turn him gay.

That’s a good point. Probably the best reason to keep him ambiguous/androgynous.

If we need a big marquee Gay that goes against expectations, the best answer is Varian. Maybe we put him back together, and some one used a dash of gay when they were supposed to use paprika. And blam! Macho Man Gay High King.

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What signs? He’s an empathetic, kind, and thoughtful person. Those are not gay-exclusive qualities. Ya’ll need to quit with the stereotypes and generalizations. We’re supposed to be moving away from that way of thinking, not embracing it.