Anduin should be gay

The post count only goes up to 1178 though :smiley:

He responded to that Council member’s lovely input.

I’m quite happy to see this. Hope it leads to a nice discussion. lol

The post scroller is weird. The post it considers that you are looking at is the top most post on your screen. Even if it is just the empty space between the “link, flag, edit etc” line and the thin line separating the post after. Which is stupid as it should be on the middle most post.

As for the URL, just click on the time since the post and it will come up with a link to the post. They don’t line up :stuck_out_tongue:

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Rezzing a year long dead thread about someone’s love life? How Nec-romantic.


It’s like Love is in the Air or something.


Being afraid of disappointing your parents and having close friends in your teens you’d want to run away with are neither strictly “queer coded” they’re both extremely common to all sexuality and genders alike

Im closer to the vanilla end of the Trials in Tainted Space spectrum, but Id say there are a lot of attractive male characters in the WoW universe.

Does clean shaven and blonde communicate attractive for you?

What exactly do you mean by this?

A super explicit text based RPG with extreme fetishes, furries and eye-opening gender fluidity. Dont even google it.

I know what it is, I’ve played it. I prefer Corruption of Champions, personally. Vanilla end of Trials in Tainted Space is vague.

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Come on, I read the first paragraph, and was super excited for what came next.

Edit: Well, it’s back.

What exactly do you have against Dragon-human miscegenation?

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Wait, Kalecgos is a freak for wanting to be with a human female? Jaina is the one who rides a reptile. What does that make her?

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He’s like a fine slice of unseasoned bread, i think it really fit him. xD

By the way, that poster once said that there shouldn’t be any black humans on Azeroth because Stormwind is based on medieval Europe. No wonder he’s against this idea lol.

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Very silly-- especially since there were plenty of black people in medieval europe also.


I’m wary of gay anduin because I think we’d get a monkey’s paw situation and his love interest was, like, Sanduin, prince of Tempestzephyr. Instead of something that would make sense like wrathion.


The last post was 23 days ago. You had to go searching for this. Come on, tell us. What word did you use to search the forums.