Anduin should be gay

Smell that? That’s the smell of “freedom”

Thankfully Covid didn’t knock out my sense of smell.

I could’ve sworn I saw this thread (and the baine one) on general discussion yesterday. Why did they get moved to the story forum?

Cause the mods on gd don’t wanna deal with it so they send it to story forum which is the dumpster can of the forums


The story forums truly are the Maw of the WoW forums.

This is the third thread asking to write a character as gay, keep these in GD lol.

No wee don’t want them and to be honest get on board with us trying to get Blizz to 404 these troll threads ,

Matter of fact the person above you made one about make Flynn bi and is trying to get it sent over here.

wait a second … i just realized … we are in … STORY FORUMS? DaHell man …

… we were on the general forum, right?

He already is

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Story forums

We all know and we have said that to them . They just made a thread in GD to make some kind of pointless point to who I am not sure GD or the forum mods .

I’ve noticed every time one of these threads gets flagged it ends up bouncing back and forth between gd and story forums since neither mod really wants to deal with it.

How about they actually do their job and shut them down for being the troll threads they are.

I have no problem if there is a mega LGBT thread where they ask for things . That makes sense but to spam GD with them just to have them sent over here to the story forums is not ok .

And I do apologize to the story forum crowd for them sending them over . We have honestly been trying to get all these threads either shut down or made into a mega thread.

Oh I agree dont get me wrong. Unfortunately the last time they tried the mega thread from what I heard it turned into such a crapfest it forced the mods to shut it down.

Bold of you to assume Blizzard reads, or has ever read, our posts here. /s

Damn this thread has a estimated read time of 102 minutes lol. O.o

I agree. Thank you for saying this.

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Wasn’t this also the thread with the deleted phrenology stuff?


Oh god. Not this thread again


First post on the forums and you use it to necro a year old thread for no reason.

Obvious troll on burner account is obvious.

Side note, this thread has also had several deleted posts. #1180 on the scroller but #1228 for the URL.

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