Anduin should be gay

you’re no different then those bigot old people who think you can make people not gay. Stop forcing your ideals on people. If Anduin is straight, let him be straight.

he obviously has a thing for Queen Sylvanas.

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My wife’s favorite little nickname for me, you silly goose.

Why? he should be doing his Mom Jaina.

Why not pick a Horde leader? They seem to have had the market cornered on ultra-masculine leaders; why not balance things out for some equal representation?

I have been known to be a silly goose, as well as many other things. Your wife has good taste. Now I’ve got a Klondike parody commercial in my head. Weird to think it was played on AM radio almost 30 years ago.

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Oh my god, another one? Seriously??

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I really miss 2013 Tumblr.

Another one of these troll threads? You people need to give it a rest. Stop advocating for already established characters to be changed. You people have issues.

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Another one? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: This thread is from August 2000.

If you don’t hang out on the story forums, you wouldn’t get it

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I see.


you, the reader of this post, should be gay

Good news!

Let’s say 6

That sounds like my normal gay volume level. It can shoot up from time to time.

More memes. Derailing this thread with meme is doing good work

I should be working, but can’t help myself.

Country is in the toilet now. Have fun while you can.

More memes

Last one, since this is topical.

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