Anduin should be gay

Wrathion is still 7 years old tho

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Did you even read my post? Dragon years are different than human years. Wrathion has manly body of a 30 year old man. You cant compare dragons to humans…

You didn’t see the way Anduin looked at me when I was escaping the maw through the waygate. He LOVES ME!

Yikes. Just because you are okay with a 7 year old being raped, doesnt mean we all are.

I thought anduin was eying baine and maybe thrall. I could see it happening :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

I cant read I have no eyes and theyre covered by straps

Sheesh you are ridiculous. Go troll somewhere else.

I dunno, the only agenda around here seems to be bigots afraid of equality and human rights.

Opposing view - conclusion = bigot!!! <_>

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It’s more of just those being completely homophobic. Telling us there should be no LGBT content in the game when there already is. These same people don’t complain when there’s straight relationships but as soon as lgbt comes in, “STOP PUSHING YOUR AGENDA”. Obvious homophobia.


did you just assume his orientation? this is NOT okay.

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Huh? Can you explain?

I don’t care if they add any to it but to make endless threads trying to force an issue and most likely by people not of the LGBT community just so they can sow discord is what the issue is .

/looks at name

Here we go again. Let’s flip the game upside down

Personally, I think he should be a devout 17th century devout Jesuit monk, who works to convert indigenous tribesmen in remote corners of the globe.

O wait…that already happened. Time for a new story and a new leader.

Any character in a fictional game can be whatever you feel they should be. I can believe a wisp to have no gender, you can feel they should be feminine or masculine, you can role play a gay Anduin, I can role play a straight Anduin. Play the game, role play as you feel fits your style.

Odd question, what would a King who is Gay “Queen” be called lol >.< these are the questions people. Not insinuating any insults to a community of players, I just never thought of that before.

Really it all boils down to a bunch of people who cannot grasp that “No” means no. The fact that they can’t recognize that and be content with what Blizzard has already given them, is pretty frightening and creepy when you think about it.

Representation is one thing. But Blizzard has already given many examples in the name of representation to that minority. They have done this now many times over. At this point I think Blizzard needs to simply start deleting these threads when they come up.

This sort of single-minded focus on a specific individual, a refusal to be thankful for what they have; and the inability to take no for an answer; rather reminds me of real world stalkers and predators. Specifically the kind that often harass or fantasize about Hollywood celebrities.

I mean… if Anduin was a real person and said he said “No”, one almost wonders. Would these people who keep pushing this topic force themselves upon him, operating under some warped pretense that he would like it once he experienced it? I only ask, because that’s sure what it looks and sounds like when they cannot respect Blizzard’s stance and keep demanding more and more.

At best these threads come off petty and ungrateful given all Blizzard has done in the name of inclusion.
At worst they come off as the fantasies of a disturbed individual with control / dominance issues.


Why do people care so much about a make believe video game characters sexuality? It’s weird.


Most likely Blizzard would keep things official/serious, you know, make his relationship political and pre-arranged based… So either the the Kingdoms of Stormwind and Gilneas will unite… Anduin and Tess Greymane will hook up.

That or Taelia Foredragon since she’s the daughter of the former and highly respected Highlord.

However just imagine how epic it would be if Anduin hooked up with any of the pandaren chicks he encountered during his time in Pandaria, Lina Witepaw, Mei Barrelbottom, or especially Li Li Stormstout, since they were about Anduin’s age. It would fit his character too for him to hook up with a teddy bear, since he’s mentally as soft as a teddy bear himself, so would be a perfect match.