Anduin should be gay

No. He should marry Jana

Exactly and your thread was all encompassing .

I am one of those people are we are all colors , all races , straight ,gay , transgender , all religions or none at all . Maybe the only thing missing was we should of included women maybe .

Not a troll, I simply call out homophobes when I see one.

Well, i mean, all men.

Why does this come off as actually a straight person pretending to be gay .

Just admit you are the real homophobe and you are doing this just to make the LGBT cause look bad . You might feel better in the morning and be able to look at yourself in the mirror if you do.

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I’d prefer you not to assume my gender or affiliation. It’s wrong and hurtful. Stop trying to silence the LGBT community. Your privilege is showing.

I’m not trying to silence and you just outed yourself right there.

Now everyone will know you are a fake.

I don’t think you could of made an even better troll response then that.

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I don’t care if you think I’m a troll because I’m not. It’s wrong to be homophobic. You’re on the wrong side of history its 2021…

Why, why did you people revive this awful thread?

Anduin isn’t gay, the fact you ship him with Wrathion and he’s girly doesn’t make him gay. Stop it.


I’m not .

I have called these threads out as being more harmful to the LGBT cause then helpful . Not only have I done so but so have many of the LGBT community .

So it is safe to say the only people that would be making all these threads or necroing old ones like this are all trolls .

I believe everyone should be treated the same . I don’t care if you are straight , gay , black , white, christian or what ever as long as you a decent person .

As for as the game goes I only care if I can depend on you in a dungeon or raid .

It’s not wrong to “necro” threads. All I’ve seen are complaints about spamming the forums with new posts. So others are going to older posts to continue the conversation. Can you guys make up your mind? Do you want new threads or want us to continue old threads? They’re in my suggested as well new and old.

blizzard should do the right thing and not listen to the homophobes by keeping anduin straight.

You want an adult to have sex with a child? LGBT really do support MAPS

Hell no, he has a crush on Sylvanas

You’re disgusting.

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I’m not the one shipping Anduin and Wrathion (a literal child)


We all know this is endgame

This queen can tell you that that boi is definitely at the very least bi. My gaydar sense never fails.

Wrathion is a dragon, literally different than human years. He has a manly body which should be enough. It’s not like Wrathion is a child playing with toys and crayons. Literal definition of straw man argument.