Anduin should be gay

This thread should be deleted.


Stop with your pointless request, he is straight and that isn’t going to change.

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Nothing about being homophobic .

It is all about these threads really being troll and spam threads.

I have said in other threads I don’t care if Blizz gives the LGBT community stuff as long as it makes sense to the game and not because people are going 'Blizz you need to be woke and give us just because".

I have gone to say I believe these threads because of the over abundance of them may do more harm to the LGBT cause then help it.

I have said that Blizz should make things that are all inclusive ,so that all players feel a part of it . I have spoken out against LGBT zones for this reason and against the tabbard because even though I would not do it my self there are still people that would use it as a reason to kick people from groups.

Just because a person doesn’t agree with everything you want in game does not make them homophobic . And this is true because there are plenty from your community (if you are even actually a part of it) that are against all these LGBT threads being made.

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Here’s hoping. They’ve already changed their mind on Flynn. And it’s not that I dislike the fact that any character is gay or straight. It’s the fact that they set up the character one way and then just shoehorned in something because some random forumites had a bad fanfic level idea.


I have to ask, why is there this immense pressure on the forums lately for every character to be LGBT or for there to be more LGBT characters? I am not opposed to it in any fashion, it’s just weird that we seem to have nonstop spam for it lately. Seems like a forced agenda.

It is either trolls or like you said a forced agenda but either way it is spam .

Are you saying that just because hes showing emotion and has no beard?

I agree! :grin:

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Yes anduin would make a great gay character. He should try to get it on with Baine or Thrall. They seem to want each other when I went through the maw :slight_smile:

It’s low-hanging troll bait. It’s been done here for years, but right now LGBTQ is the target of choice

Here’s how it works: 1. You pretend to be a member of a group that you know people here freak out about. There are plenty to choose from. 2. You post that you want some kind of extra attention. Your own server or zone or more characters like you or more storylines. 3. And then you sit back and watch a bunch of predictably reactionary gamers object. 4. You add fuel to the fire as needed until the responses get really insulting toward the group you said you represented. 5. You enjoy the hurtful mess you made.

The crappy thing about all this is that it is almost NEVER Black people or LGBTQ people or liberals or socialists or women who make these posts. Give me a break.

It’s a way to get stupid people to do your bullying for you. Wise up, people.


Don’t forget- the mods keep it aaaallllllll up for everyone to continue to respond to, regardless of the inevitable dumpster fire it becomes. It’s a perpetual cycle.

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Please do so I can make fun of Alliance even more

The mods here have lost all my respect in the last week. ALL OF IT. They have left crazy, nasty stuff up for days. And if you report it, you get told you report stuff too much. Well I wouldn’t have to report so much stuff if the mods actually moderated at all.

I used to figure that mods were just overworked but, come on, all this stuff has been left up for so long. Either they are not smart enough to understand it for what it is (embarrassing), they don’t care about targeted groups because of their own prejudices, or they are just watching YouTube.

Stop being so homophobic. It’s not nasty, you just have a nasty mind. Homophobe.

I got my post removed which was innocuous but this gets left up for months.

Pelagos should be straight. See, that comment would get me called a homophobe, whats the difference between that and the original post?

It’s not homophobic to want disingenuous, inflammatory threads down. :roll_eyes:

I guess they just don’t realize the intent of some OPs. Or, don’t read far down into the thread enough, because by the fourth or fifth post, it -always- becomes a dumpster fire. When other members of the LGBT community are getting sick of threads like these, it should probably raise a few eyebrows at why they are.

At the very least, these threads are spam. Hundreds of others are up for people to put their input in, and mods certainly aren’t taking them down, so…
(also this thread is from Aug. 2020 but has been repeatedly necro’d. Why???)

And if you make a thread about stuff for any other group they take it down .

Doesn’t have to be about straight people or a specific race or religion or lack of .They just take them down.

The are so over virtual signaling right now . They don’t care if it is spam or if these are all troll threads . They are all just going “look at us we’re woke”

I was wrong about being wrong about you. you really are a troll. funny how it’s so obvious now