Anduin should be gay

Why does he have to do anything right now? Dude is in literal hell right now and all people are up about is whether not he is Gay/Bi. xD! Even if they came out 100% and said Anduin is 100% straight and got married to some random Draenei (Please let it be Yrel btw lol), people will still try and bend and twist and come up to some joke about, “He doesn’t know yet, but he’s gay for Wrathion!” meme or something. Kinda ridiculous these posts are sometimes but comical all the same lol.


Anduin is already confirmed straight. Several times.


No. He has been heterosexual since forever. Stop trying to cram in your desires into the game. it’s quite messed up. There’s plenty of other characters that can be gay. Seriously at this point this is just troll posting and toxic.

At no point has he shown signs of being gay mind you. The wrathion fetish is done by creepers. Wrathion is a baby dragon, they where >> FRIENDS <<. Anduin has liked 3 different female race WOMEN now. Seriously stop.


I appreciate Golden‘s attempts to normalize male friendship that doesn’t include overt displays of machismo or hyper masculinity.


This ^. It’s like a damn myth now to have close male friends without it being sexual.


No? Unnecessary. Extra. Cool sure gay relationships, but why here? there is no valid argument other than you wanna pretend he’s your waifu.

This romantic relationship has already been portrayed on an unmentionable website.

I don’t care if he is or not. OP made a suggestion and I don’t see a problem with it so why not? Why do you care either way if someone wants a character to be gay?

No thanks.

Exactly. It’s just like them blackwashing white characters when they do a reboot instead of you know, creating fresh new interesting characters. That’s just lacking creativity!

hold up, i thought we all agreed he already was with wrathion and genn?
are you tellin me the youtuber jokes lied to me??

Or to be a guy who has close female friends without it being sexual. It’s like people think everyone is trying to crawl down the pants of all their friends. If that was actually true for either gender, half the town my sister lives in wants to get down her pants!

Your fantasy isn’t reality . Be ready to be disappointed.

Andy & Taelia.
Be happy with both really.

Pots and pans?

You people pushing this nonsense is going to drive a lot of people away from this game.

Stop pushing your real world drama into a fantasy game where people go to escape.

I don’t care if a character in a game is gay or straight if it has no bearing on the story.


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He is gay now, because he does have a cheery deposition, just saying.

The character has shown to be interested in females. You already have gay characters. At this point it’s just face shoving nonsense. There’s fanfics for stuff like this. Some of you should google it.

:roll_eyes: You’re free to have your opinion but until the writers confirm it it’s all speculation. How do you know Anduin isn’t Bi? Anyways, I’m not interested in fanfic and suggesting I am makes you seem pretty dense.

It’s speculation that because we have known he’s reacted to at least 2 women, he might be bi because…? Punching Wrathion in the face I guess. You’re trying really hard here guy lol.