Anduin should be gay

Most of the people that support this are the homophobes.

This is a faction v faction game, after all

Didn’t Kurt Cobain already lay it down in the 90s?
What else can I say? Everyone is gay.

“Should be” ?

Y’all Anduin is gay.

According to lore, Varian Wrynn (Anduins father) and Broll Bearmantle were Valeera’s companions.

Mathias Shaw according to lore is gay, his lover is Flynn Fairwind. This is one of the few gay couples in Warcraft.

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Shadows Rising where he very clearly checks out a female Draenei barmaid in the Goldshire inn before mommy Jaina comes to pick him up.

He’s quite obviously not, he hits on a Draenei barmaid in Shadows Rising.

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Oh! Sorry. Forgot about that.

Anduin is Bi. Good for him!

Shocked this topic is still going, especially now that our precious king might be turned into Arthas 2 electric boogaloo by the power of bad “shock” writing and M O R A L L Y G R E Y.

Anywho as I stated lord knows HOW long ago let them be friends and stop forcing romances be they gay, bi, or straight, it’s creepy.

He could still be lgbt. Until the writers confirm it it’s all speculation.

I really don’t understand this obsession with trying to force existing established characters to be lgbt for the sake of representation it just feels hollow and forced.

It would be different if Anduin had premonitions in the past to lean in that direction, but just because he’s a pretty boi doesn’t mean he needs to be LGBT.

Hell tbh I think Pelagos is one of the better ways they’ve represented things, I just dislike changing long established characters that drastically.

For example Shaw x Flynn, I wasn’t a huge fan of this pairing, but I don’t hate it either. My issue is it wasn’t established enough, it feels out of character for Shaw since we’ve known him for a ton of time. Maybe if this relationship slowly developed during BFA in game it wouldn’t be quite so jarring.

Also it doesn’t help that character’s sexualities are largely completely useless to the plot itself.


I don’t care either but it seems to me there’s a lot of support for characters to be more inclusive including lgbt. I’m all for it and am indifferent on whatever the writers decide to do.


I dunno.

Gay Anduin kinda creates problems in a hereditary monarchy.


He didn’t even ask Sylvanas to step on him when he was chained up in Torghast. Sounds pretty gay, ngl.

:joy::joy::+1: Anduin deserves better

I don’t think this is an issue, I believe Blizz has stated that bias based on sexual preference isn’t really a thing in WoW, iirc.

Especially with her spiky maw shoes, OwO

Because he’s kind and empathetic? I feel like Anduin often breaks gender expectations but that doesn’t mean he has to be gay.

If he ends up being gay, cool. But I don’t want that to be his defining character arc. Anduin offers so much more to the story than his sexuality. :heart:


Why do you want a character to be gay so badly?

Why do these threads continue?

This is WHAT i’m saying. Straight people just don’t get it. Literally Anduin’s entire upbringing felt like that idc about anyone else . (I liked old tyrande too, she was badass.) and then right after hes recovering in a secret inn with only wrathion there??? Anduin and wrathion always seem to be connected some how. Like its not that far fetched. If u don’t like it, stop consistently putting them together or just make him marry a girl or something. Having bi feelings is also normal for lgbt kids.