Anduin should be gay

I have been saying this for a while, too. /extra like for you.


Actually, LGBT people agree and super-relate to Anduin’s story. His “coming out” story to his dad about being a priest directly parallels a classic coming-out story. It’s got a name, actually: “queer-coding.” And then forming an intense friendship with one person of the same gender in your teens wherein you fantasize about running away together is another very relatable thing for LGB people.

See, so many people assume we sensed Anduin being gay because he’s “soft.” It has very little to do with his softness, actually, and just how he was coded growing up. I half-wonder if they intended to make him gay and then decided not to because of this assumption.

LGBT people feel a bit betrayed because of this, but I won’t get into it, because the forums are allergic to serious conversations about anything social.


case in point as a matter of fact. thrall has a wife we see a few times and a child we havent seen ever. in fact the next time we see the big oof he is hiding out in the barrens or dreanor. seems blizzard didint care for that relationship much :crazy_face: and romantic relationships in stories like these are only good if they work and flow with the story. like Arthas and Jaina and even that was more of a side story

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I think gay relationships would be more interesting than the typical relationships like sylvanas/nathanos. :woman_shrugging:


interesting only if they are wrote well sylvanes/nathanos is not wrote well at all. its more of a dog lapping up to his master again you cant just plop a romantic relationship into a story and just expect it to work out


I’ve seen you post this a number of times, do you have a reference for this storyline? What I remember from playing through pandaland yonks ago was his dad being pissed that his kid was having a grand galavanting solo adventure through through a warzone where he could have been killed numerous times, I don’t remember any tough, sit-down, “dad I’m actually a priest” conversation. This is an honest question, not attempting to troll you, it’s been ages since I played through the whole if MoP so I could be misremembering.


Could have had Lor’themar be gay and that’s why he was being uncomfortable around Thelissra making eyes at him but they missed that cool fun opportunity.

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ironically loth’mar being gay would make sense just because of blood elf culture

Being gay isn’t a choise…


Yeah, it’s not an in-game storyline. I believe it started in Wolfheart and followed through short stories Prophet’s Lesson and Blood of Our Fathers, ending there with Varian’s speech about kings not needing to be warriors.


I just hope they start finally writing decent story arcs again…


If you read quest texts and read the books you’ll notice such relationships scattered about wow. But the romance of characters is not important to the main story.

A character isn’t just automatically better because theres a romance involved. Well written characters should have a strong base first. And if they happen to find romance that makes sense thats just an extra but not their key defining characteristic.

Forced or preachy characters are not good writing.


Lolthemar was all but kidnapped by thalrysra for snu snu. And he didn’t resist. He also had feelings the belf pally girl but she said no to his advances.


thanks for the info always nice to know these little tipbits of lore

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anduin should die if anything, worst wow character since Med’an (who isn’t canon thankfully)

It would be cool if they introduced more modern character themes naturally in fiction. Not paint over existing characters to shoehorn them into the diversity box.


What does that have to do with anduin or this thread? And anduin has no signs of being anything but straight.

Look love whoever you want so long as its legal and mutual it’s only your business.


thank you, how about before we start talking about romance in a battle mmorpg lets fix this train wreck of lore that was BFA


His sexuality is none of our business.


I’m not anti lgbt, but for the love of ALL THAT IS HOLY let the two just be friends! why is it EVERY TIME two characters have friendly banter or a rivalry some folks get the idea that they LOOOOOOOOONG for the other person’s loins? Let the people who MADE Anduin decide who he winds up with. For the record though I hope that person ISN’T Wrathion because at this point it would be the most obvious pandering I’ve ever seen a company perform.

I swear shippers are gonna be the end of me emotionally . . .