Anduin should be gay

I’m convinced Anduin is at least Bi and wants Wrathion with a deep passion secretly. I have a feeling the writers are going to make it happen and it’ll be glorious.


There are two ways to read something:

  1. read what is in the work
  2. read what you want into the work

you are practicing the second here.

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Well Christie Golden has already written his interest in females, due to his blushing and attraction to Draenei Females in one of the books.

And once again to a Human waitress in the newest novel by the new author lady.,claimed%20by%20the%20content%20creator.

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Theres more LGBTQ representation in wow then straight. How many heroes in this game are we told are married that are 1 man 1 woman?

Also we have the night elfs and to a degree the blood elfs who’s main force and leader ship is females.

Blizzard has done plenty to be out there and making strides.

You demanding Anudin to be gay is like saying.

Watch out guys you cant be friends with another guy or you will be gay.

Or dont show compassion or you are gay.

I bet there is a wikipedia page for a lot of things. My point was that you aren’t so much going by what is in the game, rather than you going by what you just want in the game.

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Is this a joke? Most of them. I’ll go down the list:
Varian and Tiffin
Tyrande and Malfurion
Genn and Mia
Alleria and Turalyon
Vereesa and Rhonin
Jaina and Kalecgos (not married, but together)
Thalyssra and Lor’themar (not married, but together)
Thrall and Aggra
Cairne and Tamaala

And that’s just main faction leaders! There are hundreds of quests referencing het relationships. Cry me a river.

Tell me: If gay relationships outnumber the straight ones, how many non-het faction leaders are there?


New characters introduced as LGBT, sure go ahead. Changing existing characters is pure agenda and pandering. So No, Anduin shouldn’t be Gay.

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You’re right, actually, I’m going by the books.

Can you please learn the value of character development and that someone’s sexuality is meaningless in this game? It’s not a damn romance novel.

You want some character to be gay, wrote your own storyline.

Oh. You’re one of those people who likes crap fan fic and piss poor writing. You were a Twilight fan, weren’t you?


I loved twilight. And no it’s not a “piss poor” idea to have more lgbt stories and relationships in the game. Your entire post is just filled with hate. Plenty of straight relationships in the game so it’s about time Blizzard made more strides to add more lgbt relationships for major characters.

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Disagreeing isn’t hate. This isn’t your echo chamber. LGBT stories are welcome but coming up with BS reasons to make an existing character Gay makes it hard to take you seriously.


Not surprising you like crap writing with crap storylines.

Yeah it is, Twilight fanboy.

My entire post is filled with condescension, because you don’t even have a clue what good writing is.

Relationships are added if it makes sense with the storyline, not because you’re a Wranduin fanboy.

They have, genius. Maybe try reading some time instead of trying to make up crap you know nothing about.


Quoted for truth.


he is a twlight fan everything makes sense now good lord please dont listen to this guys story ideas blizz

Twilight is a great story, you just might not have the capacity to understand it based on your past assumptions and grammar.

Back to my point, Anduin should at the very least be examined closely by the writers and hopefully they can see that Anduin has some lgbt parallels.

No, we will not.

Yes, he will be because it makes a lot of sense to do so. I will pitch my idea to the writers in every way possible.

It wont happen.

Care to explain your homophobic remarks?