Respectfully, I would agree with you if there weren’t any relationships in the game. Because there are many straight relationships in the game and little to none lgbt, I only request Blizzard have more lgbt representation with some major characters, and not just characters that are forgettable or those whom only give hints of representing lgbt.
Lgbt characters are barely present in the game and I think it’d be healthy to add a lot more. Not sure what you mean by lgbt is thrown in your face? If anything, straight relationships are thrown in our face more than anything.
Why, because he doesn’t look manly? Or maybe because he a bit emotional? Or maybe because one of his best friends is a man, you know Light forbid men befriending men, we all know men don’t feel emotions whatsoever.
Regardless of the intent of the post, I find it interesting more people are accusing the OP of trolling instead of pointing out the homophobic and derogatory comments in response to the OP in this thread.
It’s also disheartening that these comments are still up too. I guess it’s not against community guidelines to be homophobic.
I dislike when they change existing characters to something else, especially when they make them gay all of a sudden. It feels forced and like they are trying to pander. I get it, you didnt think about it when you made the character but its to late now, make more characters.
If Anduin should be “gay” then how can he be showing signs of being a Lesbian? Or Bi? Or Trans? How can a male that is gay be showing signs that he is a Lesbian?
There’s very little romance in this game, and I would honestly like to keep it that way. There are probably several characters we know that are gay, but they don’t show signs of it. I don’t care who you choose to have sex with, I care about the fight against the opposite faction, and enemies outside those factions.
Disagreeing with OP isn’t being homophobic. This isn’t your echo chamber. If you can’t handle different opinions than don’t read it or be in this forum.
I don’t bother reporting those posts, but I don’t think your reply really takes into consideration that there are a lot of players who are being homophobic and are clearly uneducated when it comes to lgbt. Opinions =/ being hateful and bigoted.
humans are complex. An opinion that you consider wrong might not be wrong for other person. We all are unique and shaped by our own experiences. We all view things differently.
In true medieval fashion, he should marry and have offspring, but also spend the most time with his male soul mate. That way everyone can see the story that they want to believe and everyone wins.
Most stories have a romantic plot or subplot in an attempt to show a character’s love for another. I don’t see how else they would convey to the audience his homosexual nature. Unless you think he should just go about flaunting his homosexuality in a crass way, which would just be bad story telling.