Anyone else find it really uncomfortable how certain LGBT people fantasize straight people and characters in gay scenarios (anduin and wrathion)? It’s on the same level as saying a gay woman “just hasn’t had a good man yet”
It feels super predatory and gross.
I already thought he was, tbh.
Plot twist, Anduin was always been a girl, because you know already, this is a MAN’s world and MA’AM’s cant rule kingdooms so its her little secret.
considering the entire lgbt community is less than 1% of the total population globally id say its fine where it is right now.
OP is giving LGBT community a bad name through this kind of post.
why andiun? why gay? why is the character so important to be gay to so menny?
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I see enough shirtless people riding dragons these days, I am good with this specific combination not happening
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“He’s kinda already showing signs of being LGBT”
What’s this mean? I don’t see any signs and it’s pretty difficult to see signs related to sexuality without anything sexual being shown…
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Liked for the laughter…so obvious a troll.
Gets drink and pop corn out now to read the replies.
What makes you think he’s not already?
I’ve had my suspicious of him being lgbt since Legion. The writers haven’t confirmed anything yet but hoping they read my suggestion and think of it!
Can’t he just be bi so it’s win-win for everybody?
I guess my title is a little misleading… should have said lgbt but I was more referring to him being lgbt so bi would be included in that.
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Why not just make him pansexual. He’s clearly already open minded about Draenei and Dwarf women…
Its 4.5% in America, and we don’t kill people for being gay as often as the rest of the world. So that’s only counting the people who are “out”. There are probably more than that.
thats still less than 5% that means 95% are not. meaning the characters we have now are a good representation.
how about instead of making established characters something they are not, you make a new one hm?
something they are not
Blizz writers are gonna decide which characters are and are not. We don’t know what sexuality Anduin is because it’s not explicitly stated.
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i got a great idea for you and the writers. how about you and the writers keep that stuff out of the game that doesn’t involve sexual things at all?
Lmao ok… so remove all the couples in the game is that what you’re saying?
sure, if you can name the ones that mention sex at all.
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