Anduin should be gay

Not sure why you find it to be offensive. Feminine traits are common among lgbt folks more than not. Nothing wrong with it. Why do you find it offensive out of curiosity?

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Genn is an old man, and Anduin shot his idea down.

Imagine if someone suggested a gay character, from any game, should be made straight. The media would have a field day.


Imagine thinking that would actually happen. Anduin isn’t confirmed straight so no idea what point your trying to get across. If he turns out to be straight, it would be the same outcome as if he weren’t; no one would try to suggest an already established characters sexuality… that’s not how it works.

Being gay isnt a choice. You cant make someone gay.

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Anduin should stay very much straight.

I do not need more competition… Wrathion is mine, MINEEEE !

Screeches in the background like the stupid fangirl I am

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But seriously, since this is somehow STILL a conversation, it is up to the CHARACTER OF ANDUIN to make that decision, not the fanbase. The moment the fanbase makes a decision about a character’s fundamental being (such as their sexuallity), that character, well, isn’t a character, but just a puppet of the people.

I could see them make Anduin gay and honestly, it’d be refreshing to see him fight back against the ensuing hatred rather than every being for it (cause people WOULD be against Anduin being gay, and it’d be much more interesting seeing how he’d conflict as a leader vs. his true feelings and idenity). I could also see them make Anduin straight. It dosen’t matter right now and it won’t matter until Blizzard makes it matter. Anduin breaks a few straight guy sterotypes, but stereotypes are just that: stereotypes. I’m heterosexual and yet I’m allowed to like pink and healing, right?

Because just as much as anti-LGBT people often make stereotypes of “The Gays”, I find LGBT often make stereotypes of heterosexuals just as often. Both are in the wrong when they assume anything about any person, IMO.

It’s just as wrong to assume Anduin is LGBT because he’s a pretty kid who wants peace just as it’s wrong to assume he’s straight cause of any other factors.


Well … WoW in the Sims could be amusing. “Anger moodlet for two hours because we wiped on Ragnaros due to my Wife.”

But yes, WoW is not a game about social management and player stories with more color than the rainbow. It’s a game about killing monsters and saving the world. That’s what its been since the beginning.

That’s what pretty much all mmorpgs devolve into quickly when you realize that the story is static and you can’t do a “Ok, fine, the King is going to be a jerk! I’ll moon the king!” and next thing you know, you’re in prison for being rude to the king.


If blizzard is going to do anything for the LGBTI community it should be two random lesbian female dwarves.

If we want to go for visual accuracy to how it is IRL


if we are going to pander, I want ysera x alexstrasza, like now, thanks.

Wouldn’t that be necrophelia since Ysera died in legion?

if you are going to bend to one community, let’s include everyone else.

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You’ll get two female dwarves to be representative of the lesbian population that don’t believe is being dolled up and pretty to over sexualise their appearance to pander to the “patriarchy” in this world

Butch haircuts, stocky frames, unshaved legs and armpit.

If they truly want to represent the LGBTI community they should do that.

Not give people spank bank fantasy versions.

are you denying me my fantasy as a bi woman, shame on you.

Did anyone blow the OP’s mind yet with that one little self-evident fact?

Yes because true representation isn’t about your sexual fantasy. It’s about what the community actually is.

If you want the fantasy there are numerous adult sites out there with videos of women that debase themselves to fulfill your fantasy. And they aren’t repeaentative of real life so you can have your fantasy there.

People are crying out for “representation”.

Nothing represents the LGBTI community more than a couple of stocky lesbian dwarves that don’t doll themselves up so as to not pander to the patriarchy in this world

See that’s not how it actually works. Instead of twisting characters to fit your sexually narrative, why don’t you just create a blog and write your own gay. Anduin is not an icon for your twisted perversion.

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Being a gay man does not equal being less manly.

In related news, lesbians don’t want to be men and lesbian couples don’t have one member who is “the man.

Educate yourself.

Making characters gay for the sake of having a gay character is NOT what this game needs

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