Anduin should be gay

I think we have different ideas of “just because,” honestly.

A character with growth, personality, and is gay just because. That’s ideal.


Just to let you all know this trans musical is incredible
Lets all be open minded

Okay, but wouldn’t it be exactly that if Blizz added a new character and said “btw they’re gay”? Because people in here are saying that would be better than making an existing character gay, because apparently that would ruin them.

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Maybe he’s into women and men.

To be fair most species need the two sexes to reproduce. Most animals go extinct otherwise. Humans included.

But you do you.


It doesnt matter if anduin bi. As king he is not free to love who he wants. His people and crown require he has heirs of noble birth. A weight he acknowledges.

Kings are not free.


To be fair most species need the two sexes to reproduce. Most animals go extinct otherwise. Humans included.

Never once has a species gone extinct over homosexuality.

But you do you.

I do what? Accept nature for what it is?

You are though. Sorry.

Species don’t go extinct because theres enough members still reproducing. How much of humanity is homosexual, bisexual, or asexual? Not large portions. Thats the point.

You can love whoever you want it’s not my business.

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Okay this show really is amazing
Pro wherever

I’d like to see a scenario in-game playout with Anduin coming out and confessing his love for Wrathion. They hold hands walking down Stormwind and everyone in the crowd is cheering them on and a new chapter starts for the Alliance. Maybe they adopt a son to raise as king who is more accepting of change. Maybe even make a stable truce between the Horde once Sylvanas is gone. No more factions or division. Only love and acceptance :rainbow: :rainbow: :rainbow:


I highly doubt Anduin will ever be gay or bi. He will be married, and have a kid. The king needs a heir, to unfortunately run the next generation of the Alliance.

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LGBT or not, I think any romance he gets involved with would be interesting.

If he is, great.
If not, also great.

They’ve slowly made him into an interesting character.

The main thing to hope for is any potential partner is also interesting.

Wrathion doesn’t fit the bill in my opinion.

Like I said, I know, it’s gonna be a party full of the funnest people!

Actually, Varian didn’t arrange a marriage for him specifically because he wanted Anduin to be free to love who he wants.


Exactly! Truly confusing how some people really think there can’t be change. They want the same story and outcome every time. It gets boring to see the same thing over and over again… Give us something new and exciting Blizzard :rainbow_flag:

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Gen and anduins talk in before the storm sets up that he needs hiers wether he likes it or not.

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Maybe bisexual. He’s shown romantic interests in other novels and stories in the past.

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because you’re saying he’s showing signs of being lgbt based on…nothing really.

it’s like saying all male anime characters must be gay because they seem sort of “feminine.”

it’s honestly nonsense and kind of offensive really

Many rulers in Europe (and I’im sure elsewhere) in history where publicly straight (ie married to women) and had children to make heirs — but often had male lovers on the side; it was a very common practice in history and probably is today, too!

I can see Anduin marrying a woman so he can have an heir to his throne, but having Wrathion or someone else as a male lover as well.

Nothing wrong with that! Just as women in harems
or who were one of several wives of male rulers in history were often romantic with other women, etc.

Very common for people to be bi at least in practice
if not fully gay in history, and totally accepted and expected!

No reason it shouldn’t be today as well :slight_smile:
I’d personally love to see this openly insinuated if not stated outright in a future cinematic with Anduin or others

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