Anduin should be gay

he is gay, with me.
Forever together.

Naw mate my dreanei girls already have fun with the lion cub. Boy needs stress relief.

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well yeah he is bi.
Its an open relationship we have.

He can see your girls as much as he likes.

Yeah, the assumptions under which this thread operates are pernicious, gross, reductive and untrue.

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The lore plebs seem to think that Anduin and Wrathion just have all this pent up aggression and they need to unleash their male dominance or something because life is just soooo harrrrd UwU

give me a break :joy::smirk:

Wranduin is not ever going to happen.
On the other hand, everyone completely ignored the way he looked at Magni.

I find it gross that you think lgbt are gross.

I know :sob: And then people keep saying that Wrathion doesn’t care about Anduin and that Blizz never hinted at anything between the two, lol.

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funny thing is I made a thread asking for advice on how to be less transphobic and it got deleted for trolling (although I guess they have to pick a category)
I didnt get banned but im amazed if I get deleted for trying to be a better person, a troll thread gets to stay up

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Being gay isn’t natural? Then why is it common among other species? It’s pretty basic knowledge in your typical biology class. I’m going to guess you think being gay is a choice?


You’re disgusting.

Speak for yourself. I’m not.

Why is it controversial?

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It’s not natural, we’re possessed by gay demons and we’re going to Hell, where it’ll be a big gay party.

I held another woman’s hand last week and it was very sinful.

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I’ll say it: It’s pushing the agenda to turn the modern world into a dope AF place where people can think whatever adult they want is cute and smoochable.


Sounds like hell


Well, yeah. That’s where we’re going to party for eternity after we smooch adults consensually.

So long as anduin is mine
I kinda like him

Not gonna lie, I’d smooch him too. I can understand why Wrathion likes him so much. Even though Deathwing doesn’t.

(Yeah, Deathwing comments on how he doesn’t know what Wrathion sees in Anduin, as one of his quotes in Heroes of the Storm.)

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Can is the operative word here. If they’re LGBQTA+ “just 'cause”, then that’s not great representation, and doesn’t help anyone. It’s very awkward watching a representative character who exists strictly to allow the company to say they have representation, as opposed to a character who’s got more defining characteristics other than they represent an under-represented group.

I think that’s a great representation. Nobody should be gay for a reason. They should be gay just cuz they are.

Irl im all about asmon but people think me a troll for that one aha

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So you’re ok with a character who has no character growth, no personality, but they ARE representing? No other use or plot involvement or accomplishments, just derp around in the back with a representation tag?

What I’m saying is, I want to be meaningfully represented. South Park even has an African American named Token to bring this issue to light.