Anduin should be gay

To you maybe.

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thats a negative attitude to have.
Sad to think there are people that feel that way about adopted children.

Your opinion. Caring for children (not your own) is fine and wonderful. Adoption is a different matter (to me).

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Mmmmm, smite me daddi UwU

Be gay isn’t natural like seriously. Do you intentionally ignore common sense , facts and logic?.

If being gay was natural none of us would be alive, if one of your parents or grand parents were gay you wouldn’t be alive.

Just cause you tell yourself something over and over and over , doesn’t change biology. Logic, facts, common sense and thousands of years of evidence.


Anduin has never shown signs of being gay. He has been attracted to draenei women, he had a crush on a dwarf woman, and he went to Goldshire and flirted with a human female barmaid.

Never has he shown any interest in men whatsoever.


Should is not the same as need. I’m making a suggestion which I think would be good for the story.

No. Anduin has already been shown to be straight and interested in women.

I saw Wrathion first.
He is mine.
Stay away from him blonde boy.

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I really hope they don’t. Showing compassion for life, and being positive shouldn’t warrant a character being gay.

As a heterosexual, I’m exhausted of LGBTLMNOP community trying to ruin everything for heterosexuals with forcing character sexualization into video games.


You’re asking to get flagged and promptly banned from these forums.

Who the poster? Or those refuting them? With facts.

The facts that anyone with a brain can see happen right in front of them.

Wasn’t banned before. Won’t be now. I stand true to my point about it. Not hating it. If they want to add someone for the LGBT community fine… But do it to new npcs, not old ones. Heteros are tired of seeing LGBT all the time being forced into games. Its different if its announced right away… But characters that have been around forever is more controversial imo and just creates more division between communities, and I’m not for that.

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Wow your post just now was more rude than mine lol.

Can care less, I hit rude remarks back with more rude remarks.

Reality always sides with those whose heads accept it, no amount of silencing or banning will ever change that.

Tearing out the tongues of others doesn’t eliminate their presence and their ideals.

Mine wasn’t even rude. It just offended you lol.

Careful you don’t draw your blades on those who may be of the same side. Some of us are just more subtle about it.

Anduin has literally shown no sign at all of being LGBTI.

Outside the stock standard stereotype of the gay guys That other gay guys find attractive I.e. young and blonde (which I might add just fuels the misconception that the LGBTI community Preys on young people) there is absolutely nothing that even links him to the LGBTI community outside of the fantasy kicking around in your head.

Your own personal fantasy does not actually exist in the game. It’s never been implied. It’s never been inferred. It’s never even been on the Radar even slightly outside of the head of a few fixated players.

It’s hasn’t happened. And it’s never going to happen.


Facts have already been made clear for all to see. Forcing checkboxes isn’t good writing. And all evidence tells us anduins straight. And as a king must marry a woman and have kids.

You can be sngry all tou want. Fluffs frosteras tail and ears.

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I thought he was gay…