Anduin should be gay

What does that mean exactly?

Look, those who deny lgbt characters need to understand that we are in 2020. There is no agenda being pushed and there are plenty of lgbt folks who wish to see more representation in games, moves, tv shows, etc… WoW has plenty of straight characters and romances. “straight is default” is incorrect. Until there is an established identity, it isn’t safe to just assume.

Anduin had a thing for a dwarf girl and is known to appreciate draenei booty. He has particular tastes, but he’s certainly not gay.


I’ve read into that and while I think he may find them beautiful, it does not say anywhere he finds them attractive. It’s just an assumption and until it’s written in story that he finds them attractive and or a relationship happens, it’s safe to assume he can be lgbt. Many gay folks find others to be beautiful but that does not mean they are sexually attracted to them. Also consider the fact he was just a young boy at the time maybe no older than 10.

I’d never tried to enter the keep despite having done well over a hundred visions, so I went and tried it after reading this and omg my heart :sob: Thank you for this.

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Nothing, I love it to. I play it. Can’t wait for the next sims game.

But it’s a different kind of game than wow.

saying anduin should be gay is like saying every anime male character should be or is gay.

it’s not true…


That makes no sense. And how do you know it’s not true?

I’ve not read the last 80 messages.
Just wanted to pop in and say I’m impressed yall have kept this going

Didn’t Thrall’s father also fancy a young Draenei he met as a youth in Rise of the Horde?

Why? What is the point? Enough with this social justice nonsense!


In reality Anduin would have to be bisexual or straight. In the setting of the land of Azeroth a king must have a son to carry on the line. So he must find a woman to bear him children.


Times can definitely change. Azeroth is always changing and now would be a great time to be more progressive in the story and outcomes.

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No. He needs to find a wife and continue the Wrynn bloodline.


Why does he “need” to do anything? Can’t the writers decide what he does and doesn’t do? I’m simply making a suggestion and you seem to think there can only be on outcome.

It’s so sweet and heartbreaking. Wrathion cares about Anduin so much :pleading_face:

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Says the person whose the title of their post includes the word ‘should’.

From a story narrative, he needs to produce an heir if his family line were to continue. House Wrynn is in a fragile position, and the kingdom could descend into chaos if he doesn’t have a queen or a child to ensure a solid line of succession.


it is now canon that homophobia does not exist in the wow universe.
Gay couple adopt.
There is no reason to believe that Anduin could not adopt and have this be accepted since there is no homophobia.

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Nope. That’s not how ‘bloodline’ works. Key word ‘bloodline’. Especially in a society and at time like this one (the game’s). Bloodline were important back then (and continue to be important even today).

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And i’m saying it stands to reason that no one cares.
IRL no one considers an adopted child to be any less a part of that family.