Anduin should be gay

Um… no he wasn’t? lol
Not sure where you got that from but it’s 100% not true.

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And he needs to build a family. I believe aunt Valeera and aunt Calia are on the look for a good girl for him.

No thank you.


Stop trying to turn world of Warcraft into a sims expansion.

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People keep saying that but it’s the other way around. They specifically said that to people on Azeroth, a character may have been dead for a year or two, but for that character, it feels like they’ve been in the shadowlands for hundreds of years.

The sims is a great game. What do you have against the sims?

If someone stops playing a game because a character is gay, maybe it’s time to do some self-reflection.

A character being gay doesn’t mean it’s shoved in your face. It just means the character is gay. What’s the issue?

How is making a character gay “promoting LGBT”? Does that mean straight characters are promoting straightness? And how is it an agenda?

Anduin was never confirmed straight.

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I’ve been asking what agenda is being pushed and they never give me a straight answer. I agree with you on all points.

Theres no evidence to support anduin being gay.

And even if hes bi then it doesn’t work in the story as a king needing heirs of noble blood.

The only absolutes we know from all the lore is he has shown attraction to women only and as a king he has specific requirements he must fullfill for his people. To keep the nobles happy and prevent civil war.


My opinion :

I’m happy for anduin…because i have this dream to find a cute female draenei and…well…

I understand you, anduin…that tail…those horns…oh…my…GOD.

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Reflect on what? I don’t have to agree with anything lol and I also don’t like having things shoved in my face, you don’t have to like my opinion and I honestly don’t care lol.

It’s a game last time I checked, not a platform to promote gay pride or any other agenda like BLM.

Probably the dumbest question I ever read, being straight is normal so no need to promote it, its the natural course of life. Being gay on the other hand is not and trying to promote by just randomly saying “Hey lets make this character Gay cause we feel we don’t get supported enough is promoting it”.

be default everyone is straight and then theres that small minority that’s gay so it’s a very safe assumption he is, it was never confirmed he was gay either.


You sound very misinformed and quite frankly rude. Being gay is just as natural as being straight. Nothing is being shoved in your face if a character in the game happens to be lgbt. Who said anything about BLM or gay pride? You are really taking things out of proportion.

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You know exactly what I’m talking about, otherwise you wouldn’t be so defensive.

Again, how is a character being gay PROMOTING anything? And you have yet to explain how it’s an agenda.

So being gay is not normal? Your words, not mine. So what you’re saying is that the ONLY reason to make a character gay is to promote LGBT? How about making a character gay because the character just happens to be gay? Or is that not allowed?

I’m not arguing that the majority of people are straight, but there is no “default”. That’s not how things work.

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Defensive ? lol you replied to my comment im just replying back you seem to have everything backs, obviously on purpose.

The only people wanting gay characters is gay people and pushing sexial into a game is an agenda, other wise there would be no need to make a push for it.

This is news to you?

You first have to know how things work before you say that’s not how they work. Someone clearly missed the birds and the bees talk when they were younger. I could literally argue with you all day but you are clearly ignorant on purpose or you seriously are dumb lol and tbh I dont care enough tbh, I already know it’s not gonna happen : ) .

Have a great day, stay triggered

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The only people wanting gay characters is gay people

I think I lost braincells reading that.

Have a great day, stay triggered

Clearly you are the triggered one here :woman_shrugging:

Anduin is the smooth blond blue-eyed twink of gay man dreams.

Lol u didn’t have any to begin with so no loss and I’m not tiggered lol I’m getting a kick out of it.

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Well, I’m not gay. There goes your theory.

Fake news, yeah.

Nah, I’m chill, man. You’re the one who said you’d stop playing if Blizz “keeps shoving their gay agenda in your face”.

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Its all they have…

I don’t appreciate pandering because of the outrage mob.

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