Anduin should be gay

These people want half the focus to be on sexuality, so people who make and support threads like this one do. So far in WoW we never had any implications on sexualities, as it as you say, doesn’t matter, so I do have a problem if half the story is about someone being gay, just for sake of “inclusivity”.

I have a question when you saay we have never had any implications on sexualities are you stating no other character has had a defined sexuality ?

Dear god this thread. What did I come back to.

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I will only agree to this if the people of Stormwind were disgusted and cast him out. And you can visit him and see him starving and disheveled in a shack somewhere in Westfall. And if you want you can give him a gold piece for some food or to replace his tattered rags. Maybe a quest to fight off people trying to spit on him.

When they force all this gay stuff into content everyone is so falsely accepting of it. It would be original and unique to have them rejected.

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The question nobody asks before this kinda thing starts

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No ones forcing anything onto anyone. I simply ask the writers explore more options when it comes to romances in the game. There’s plenty of defined straight romances, but it’s rare to see any lgbt representation. Maybe 1 or 2 characters who may be lgbt vs 20 who aren’t.

jeez can we community shadowban mageyoulook though ty <3

When it makes sense. If it comes off as forced or preschy its not helping anyone. A character shouldn’t be defined by gender, ethnicity, or whom the bang.

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10-20% of the population aren’t lgbt so why are you asking to be dramatically over represented?

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You mean the deviance to do all kinds of foul things with these characters? No thanks

He has shown interest in multiple women throughout the Warcraft series. He is straight. Cognitive dissonance is just on display because a very small number of people want him to be gay.


It’s not been determined he is straight. He could easily be bisexual or any part of lgbt.

Wrathion is flamboyant, not gay. It’s two separate things.


Real life =/ video games. There should be equal representation for lgbt. They should have some well established lgbt relationships in the game, and not some side-quest characters that are easily forgotten. The king of Stormwind would be a great start to lgbt representation.

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Well the only interest he had in Wrathion was decking him across the face for his negligence.

I’ll say what other people are saying: Companies are better off creating a new character to offer representation than trying to shoehorn an existing character into the spot.

Plus, Anduin is the last of his family and the sole survivor of the Wrynn lineage. Lore would dictate that he needs to produce several blood heirs to ensure his successor. A king is a bad choice for a gay character.

I disagree that a gay king would be a bad choice. If Anduin was lgbt and decided to be with a man they could easily adopt and raise a new king from early age. Something new besides the typical blood heir thing that is so last century… give me some new interesting stories please.


especially now that its canon that homophobia doesn’t exist, I’m pretty sure a gay king adopting would be just fine.


The amount of mental gymnastics…

If video games aren’t real life then why do we need any lgbt characters at all?