Anduin should be gay

The only thing busted is your inability to explain what agenda you’re talking about.

About a dozen people already explained it to you including several of which who happen to be lgbt. now your just hiding behind shipping goggles and calling anyone who disagrees with you a homophope

i think you are just confused

Please quote where it was explained, and I’ve never once said someone is homophobic, but you might be my first candidate.

I’m not going to rexplain what I and many others including people in the lgbt community have told you. Looking through 400+ comments is a waste of my time and you just basically accused me of being homophobic with that last snarky comment. Keep digging your own grave bro

i think explaining it just makes you look more guilty like a white guy saying
“i cant be racist i have a black friend”

people are afraid to touch black jokes btw

The Hell happened here…?


black jokes were made and everyone went silent and ran to protect southern monuments and walmart electronics department everywhere thats what happened

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anyway look we all know black people and any race is looking for a reason to steal slit black people and everyone loves theier neighbor and supports causes as long as free sl!t is involved black people and we all use the race card to get ourselves out of trouble black people ans accuse other races of being racist while supporting a rasist agenda BLM black people and we have anyone scared to say anything about it black people

well sh!t he went there

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anyway look we all know black people and any race is looking for a reason to steal

Woah, buddy. I feel the need to go shower to help remove the 2nd hand racism off me.


god i wish i knew who that was looks cool but yea snowflake lets deflect and get ribbons for participating although we just dont get it or are too scared to admit it

its like white colledge kids supporting blm and being told to stand in the back of the crowd because the rasist group will take your money but dont want you in the photo ops? snowflakes

Although I do agree with you, there are too many snowflakes in the world now, hell I cant even make fun of myself with out some one getting offended, but you went a little too far far dude lol. :popcorn: :champagne:

When was anduin shown to be straight? Who cares if he ends up being gay. His sexuality doesnt define his character or his actions.


Who cares if he ends up being straight? Let him choose. Stop trying to force characters into a sexuality.

I dont care either way friend, you’re fighting a battle that doesn’t exist. These are fictional characters who cares if they have sexuality.