Anduin should be gay

There’s enough forced LGBT representation in Overwatch, please don’t let it flood WoW as well.


Again, what agenda? Every time I ask what agenda is being pushed no one responds. Please elaborate.

i said bfore that people in general are stupid
what agenda?
wtf planet are u living on
pride parades gender nuetral unicorn? wtf are you on man?

Funny how your last comment got immediately flagged. I’m sure there isint an agends or anything’s strange goin on here

I enjoy the lgbt characters in Overwatch. What’s wrong with lgbt representation in a game played by millions?

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As a gay man it is kinda my business. The media is not ready for true LGBT representation, their portrayal of LGBT are nothing more than caricatures.

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Read above.

You got Shaw and Flynn??

are people this stupid?
are they not living in america?
cause anyone that lives in the usa sees lbgt agenda everyday

wtf is wrong with u

It’s the shipper mentality along with an agenda that pushes it to A massive illogical high that they can’t see it’s bad for the story. The shipper mentality is already bad enough add an agenda and it’s becomes uncontrollable particularly when you can hide behind “oh you must just be a homaphobe”

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Contrary to popular belief two men can look after one another as friends, without sexual connotations. See: Frodo and Sam.
This is a world of war(craft), people die every day, as I see it these characters are holding to whatever they can to keep going, their friends in this case.


woah woah woah
you talk stripper mentality?
are you are stripper?
before we get into this convo i want to know if you are a stripper or just faking it

I meant shipper mentality my bad I’m little high and tired.

i mean i can give you the convo of a train conductor but i have never been on a train

im high too

That would explain a lot. :rainbow:

I’m not so high and tired not to see past your bs bro keep trying

wat are u trying to say?
im not pretending to be a stripper

hey you got busted