Anduin should be gay

no one has to accept anything, but promoting it in a game where the majority doesn’t want has nothing to do with accepting. Wow isn’t the place to promote LGBT its a game not a platform for agendas.

Turning someone who has always been straight into someone gay is stupid.

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It’s never been established Anduin is straight. Plenty of room to assume that any character in WoW could be lgbt given the right circumstances. I’m still trying to figure out what this “agenda” is that some of you talk about. WoW is a game for all players and it would be perfectly fine to establish more lgbt characters in the game.

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Sure, why not? It’s not going to have any impact on my game or how I play.


Agreed. Not sure why someone would be against it. It would add more diversity in the game and open the door for more representation. I see only good to come from it.

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Yes because a character who has shown clear interest in female dwarfs and space cows, has so much on his plate he doesint even want to talk about a relationship right now, is also a king a needs an heir as is duty to his people, will only ever marry someone for love, is totally gay. No your reaching hard here and it’s a little disturbing you have no eveidence to support him being gay then wishful thinking but their is plenty of eveidence to support him at least leaning straight as he has only ever had a sexual reaction to the female. As others have said their are plenty of gay characters in wow, you just don’t hear about them because their side stories and do not contribute to the plot. Forcing anduin in into a relation of any kind When he himself has clearly stated he doesint have time for it is reaching.


Lol didn’t you know that there’s a lot of “manly” gay men out there?

As if not being manly suddenly is an automatic qualification for being gay. Another problem with this thread, believing Anduin his gay just because he is a bit more feminine is such a massive reach

Edit: not to mention a massive stereotype

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I’m unsure what is trying to be said here. Can you please elaborate? What is “manly”?

This. He like them Draenei girls. Can’t blame him.

You’re asking me about the definition of that word? I read it as masculine but I’m not exactly sure how that person I replied to defines the word manly, that’s why I put quotation marks, you have to ask him yourself.

Anduin likes dwarf women and draenei women as well.


He seems to just want to ignore this

Not saying he does not, but it’s still possible he may be lgbt. There’s a bigger spectrum to be explored until there is a definite answer given by the writers.

This thread is funny because people are fighting over someone’s sexuality which is none of our business.


100% this. :popcorn: :champagne:


Do you feel better now? Did you get it all out of your system?

And nor does it add to the story even if we did :joy:

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Why is this still going? Shipping is horrible.


plays Star Wars credit music


Op seriously just needs to go write a fanfic


lets just say the lbtgyu or what ever alphabet it (and how dare you take 3/4 of the alphabet without asking) has always pushed for some bullsh!t agenda