Anduin should be gay

Magic. Our bodies will have been transformed into spiritual energy. That’s how our gear will survive the transition.

So no Anduin laying on his kingly bed while his spirit is off in another realm.

I identify as a meat Popsicle.

Ehh i find that jaina started off average. Grew and failed at things and had an actual character arc. So she doesn’t fit the mary sue definition of a perfect all powerful character.

Well sylvie was a pretty good character they decided to turn into gary 2.0 and make her op for no reason. Then have her master plan work out perfectly. Just to push a plot.

But thats my take on it.

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Being able to single man the most powerful fleet in Azeroth, freezing the entire sea around it and suddenly vanish when nearly killed by the Horde heroes, screeching “this is not how it’s supposed to end” is kind of mary Sue ish.

Yes, that I understand but like in FFXIV Shadowbringers. Our comrade have also experience the similar events and we tried to put there living bodies somewhere safe and protected. But they were few to protect and their bodies were alive, only their souls were transported to another realm.

But in wow, things work differently because many of us ( n players) die and our bodies are neither kept safe nor stored somewhere safe for we might fit the whole area of eastern kingdom.
Also, when we die our bodies do decompose like we usually see. But for Anduin, Jaina and beefbaine are also in the maw they don’t have the same power as we do, like when we die, we do get decomposed, then we run to our bodies and immediately we are brought back to life :rofl:

So, if Anduin is with us then he will remain The Boy King as usual…what a painfull joke it is…

Outside of azshara and medivhs mom jaina is the games strongest mage. We wheren’t going to kill her. Especially when she’s intentionally just buying time.

Note she did struggle to do all that and was injured by us.

Canonically characters like malfurion and tyrande are essentially demi gods capable of one maning armies with eons of experience. Yet lose to the horde on their home turf and lose again to nath and 2 valkyr. Due yo plot armor.

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She needs to be dead. Her story ended back in Wrath. Blizzard is just milking her to death along with Sylvie whose story also ended in Wrath.

You sound like you need a hug. here you go :hugs:

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Sylvie may get the axe in sl. As for jaina she’s a main character from the rts games and not a villain. She probably won’t die anytime soon. And when she does it’ll be of age in her sleep or in battle in some heroic manner. At least probably.

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Obviously we’re not going to agree and I’ll just leave this at I believe she’s no better than Sylvie. If not, probably worse.

But meh, I’m not Blizzard, they can do whatever they want, I’m used to always losing at the end as a Horde anyway.

Its been the same story each time. Factions waste time fighting for petty reasons. A world ending force pops up. We unite to survive. Short cold war as supplies are built back up. Repeat.

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Pretty much.

Alright lads and lasses, I’ve just come back from snooze land, what has this thread evolved into?

Most buds are signals for Blizz for '‘more exploration’.

This thread is still going lol? it’s not gonna happen and no one really wants or cares for it.

There’s nothing wrong with wishful thinking. At least worth a try to get my opinion out there :eyes:

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why are you wishing a character is gay? What does that hVe to do with game play or lore, sounds more like a weird fantasy.

Why not? lgbt characters can make great additions to any story and really help represent the community. It’s not a weird fantasy unless you make it out to be one. :rainbow_flag:

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I laughed to hard at that :rofl: , thanks I needed that.

Truth is majority won’t support it and if they listen to the minority who agree alot of people will bounce and find a new game, leaving the subscription base even lower than it is now.

That’s just the truth, people don’t want that stuff shoved in our face. Accepting someone for being gay is one thing, having it shoved in our face is another.

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I don’t think having characters be lgbt is shoving anything in anyones faces. Plenty of reason why Anduin could possibly lgbt. I think you are correct in that society has a hard time accepting it but that’s why i encourage Blizzard to be more progressive.

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