Anduin should be gay

There is now a calia should be gay thread.
Its spreading.

We need more of WoW characters to be lgbt. I’d love to see more progressive stances in this game :rainbow_flag:

Lol shes undead now. Snu snu is not an option and its implied she and derek have a thing.

You already have them and coming ones just read between the lines for the random npcs scattered about.

But none of the romances in the game have changed the main story so theres no need to focus on them.

The one thing about anduin is within his kingdom and universe he has a responsibility to get married and have kids as king. His society demands it of him.

Hence the talk he and gen have in the books. So well anduin being single won’t affect the main story. It does affect him and everyone around him in the wow universe.

As gen points out the nobles will go to civil war if anduin dies with no heirs.


Yup, he’s got a lot of responsibility on his plate. No dodging that one, and given his character he’s very much a lover of his people with a truly big heart.

At least that’s how they painted him in Mists and later.


It seems pretty clear tealia is getting setup for a possible ship. Though with sl theres a weird time skip.

So for all we know when we get back to azeroth it could be years or centuries later and anduin mite lose his royal status.

I think its gonna be confusing.

Forcing a straight man to be gay, that’s not very cool.


So in your reality anyone who is kind, sensitive, and prefers peace over war has shown ‘signs’ that they’re LGBT? Wow. No pun intended. Or is it just because Anduin is also a pretty boy?


I think he should be a woman. It fits his role. A sexy Anduina, that meant to dance on the throne table…
So, the barbershop will be usefull for him…now xD

Is Anduin with us in the maw and won’t our bodies in Azeroth decompose for we are dead and have entered the spirit realm?!?

Kings need an Heir to their throne lol

It’s kinda an odd story arch honestly, and perhaps time doesn’t have to be liner? Maybe it’s possible to return home slightly before we actually leave to SL. That’s a solid and effective way to handle it.

As far as i know from watching alpha play. Anduin jaina baine and thrall where kidnapped pre prepatch off camera and are being tortured in the maw.

We and other volunteers go in to rescue them and fix the afterlife. The power of the heart prevents us from dying.

Blizz has said time passes differently in shadowlands. So a day in sl could be a month on azeroth.

As we rescue the 4 captured characters jaina says they have been there for many days trying and failing to escape the maw.

This leads me to believe that once we return to azeroth canonically a great deal of time may have passed.

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So many low-key homophobes here.


I’d just leave the traitor Baine and that Mary Sue Jaina in the maw. They can have them.

Thrall and Anduin though.

Is there ANYTHING you DON’T label a PHOBE??!


Lol you have no evidence and are wrong. People want good sensible writing.


Ehh sylvies more a mary sue then jaina.

Hell blizz said not everyone makes it outa sl. So some folks may just stay dead.

Not really.

They’re both equal on the Mary Sue aspect and both need to be erased.