Anduin should be gay

a bit over rated if you ask me

I fully support gay characters and representation, however I’ve never seen any sign of him being LGBT at all. I also would have expected him to mention that when Genn talked to him about finding a Queen, and I believe I read somewhere that the new novel includes a section where Anduin allows himself to think as if he was not the King and in doing so finds a female attractive. I also believe I’ve seen people mention him being interested in a female draenei in one of the comics?

And for those who argue “then why hasn’t he had a girlfriend then”, that right there would be the reason. His role as King rules out most of the population of Stormwind, and there aren’t many options otherwise. While I would prefer he marry a character that’s been around longer (Valeera would be my choice even though she’s an elf), it seems almost certain that Taelia was created to be Anduin’s eventual wife. Her father was nobility (technically he’s a King now too, but idk if that counts, lol), she grew up in Kul Tiras so his being the King of Stormwind is less of an issue, and various story elements seem to foreshadow it. The only mention I’ve ever seen about him being gay is people claiming it here on the forums due to interactions he had with Wrathion in MoP. I never played those questlines (and if I’m not mistaken I believe they’ve all been removed?), but I suspect people were reading too much into a platonic friendship.

Anyway, tldr everything I’ve seen points to him being attracted to women (whether it’s exclusively women is anyone’s guess), and the story is clearly going in the direction of Anduin eventually marrying Taelia.


Yes all the mop anduin wrathion quests where removed. So you can’t play them anymore.

As someone who did play them though there was nothing romantic to them. People are pulling at needles in a hay stack.


Yaasss… Let’s make Anduin like him!

Why is this still a topic… geeez learn to reject BAIT.

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:stop_sign: no


But youre here commenting now too.
You sir got baited

The term is je baited

Yes there is a difference from knowing and the unknowing.

He’s not like him at all though. Pretty sure Anduin is for Taelia. Or some other girl.

Id rather see his lineage pass on to a new generation.

It’s possible he could very well be a closet case. Who knows :woman_shrugging:

Still, you’re keeping it alive.
Fueling this thread further and further into the depths of hell.
What awaits there nobody knows, but youre along for the ride now.

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I’m alone so what do I have to lose. You can come for the ride.

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Can we get new leaders already? We’ve got boyking, rocklord dwarf, dog man, dead elf (well maybe not anymore), angry dead man, and just a regular gallery of freaks in power. Vol’Jin was the most normal but they plot disarmed him pretty quick.

I like Baine and I for some reason always get along with Tauren players. Still would be cool to see some more positive leaders besides just Tauren, which given his trackrecord is pretty expected.

Maybe. :man_shrugging: If he’s bi, then make him as badass as Oberyn and I’m all for it. :smiley:

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Anduins love life isn’t relavent to the story and we have no evidence to support him being snything but straight. Who knows though.


That’s really it, in measure to the story that he is a part of it doesn’t matter. Truly they could leave him solo or never with a woman and that’s is enough doubt or whatever to suspend any kind of confirmation.

What is most important is that the characters are well written instead of just being some shoe horned in political garbage that’s a huge turn off because that kinda junk ruins a story.

Literally the most hated thing in any story now days to me is all the political trash that people love to pump in to promote their BS political ideology. Soon as a writer puts that crap in I’m almost instantly turned off even if it aligns with me, I just don’t want that crap at all, and entirely defeats the point of playing a video game or watching a movie or reading a book.


Enough proof he is straight but love lives need not be present in WoW. For crying out loud.

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I ask this a lot. Platonic friendship is very very undervalued these days, regardless of orientation.