Anduin should be gay

Not particularly a fan of the more animalistic races in any romantic ways. Not trying to be mean or judgey it’s just not my cup of tea.

I’ll take a hard pass on that being a good thing. Or as Alex would say it “I’ll take No Thank You for $1000!”

I may like anthros, but anthro + human … especially when there is a huge size difference … “No Thank You.”

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In the wow universe hybrid kids get treated poorly and cross race romance is taboo. It happens it’s just frowned on. And the nobles eould want human children to continue the crown.

Its just not that as far as we can tell though lol.

His first real crush was actually on a dwarf girl name Aerin Stonehand.

I know but you gotta have some fun with this topic. Its ridiculous. If anduin likes men he likes men. If he doesnt he doesnt. Its like one of the least important things in the game.

Its not worth the thread being made or anything.

There is no reason anyone should care what the dude does in bed aha

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Ironic she was crushed in a cave in.

Poor girl.

But yep dwarfs and dreanei ladies are anduins cup of tea.


True that. I think its just when folks act preachy or force things at the expense of the main story.

As they should be oggles

Honestly if Nelf males and Drae females mated, I think everyone would forget their predjeduce against half races

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night elves are gross though.

If you really look at it most of wows races hate each other or have some level of prejudice.

Sometimes its a history of blood tgat creates the hate. Other times its just feelings/words.

The 2 races that henerally get slong eith mostly everyone are tauren and dwarfs.

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The females are thots but the guys are such chads man

I genuinely think they are the ugliest race in the game. Alpha female trolls look better

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Ingame i find the nelfs and nightbourne models to look odd. Their weirdly proportioned. And in art … well all females of wow are supermodels 10/10.

Ingame i prefer dreanei then belf/velf ladies as the best looking ladies.

I consider the nelf / nightbourne to be in the middle ground in game. They have goofy proportions. But better then dwarfs, goblins, gnomes, worgen, trolls, or humans.

https :// this is hot

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Why do we need to force ideology into a video game outright? What if they were just super best friends? You can imagine that any way you like, but one thing is for certain, forcing agenda into a story for the sake of making a group of people happy never seems to make for good story telling.

What if instead of just arbitrarily making an ambiguous character suddenly homosexual we instead hope that Blizzard writes a great story that has a well written interesting and unique character who just so happens to be homosexual but here is the real kicker, it’s great story and we don’t need to constantly talk about him being gay, but instead he just is and it’s not a big focus or even a slight one but instead a very minor foot note in the story telling that doesn’t get in the way of a great story.

Can you imagine if when they wrote straight characters they always went out of their way to say the character is straight or something super awkward like that? That is the kinda bad story telling that’s makes people turn away from a movie or a series or a game story, because that kinda forced writing is just bad.

Some of the best homosexual characters in movies are only very lightly hinted at to be or only a very small part of the story talks about the love interest, but its not usually a major component of the story unless the story is purely a romance story of some kind, but wow isn’t a romance novel so that kinda rules that out.


Oberyn Martell from Game of Thrones was awesome. \o/