Anduin should be gay

I mean, they were sort of friendly towards each other during MoP until ya know… Wrathion threw a temper tantrum and kicked off all the crap that started Warlords.

Once upon a time they made sense as a couple.

That went out the window the moment wrathion knocked anduin out to get Garrosh to draenor

I mean I’ll be honest, idc if they make Anduin gay. Just maybe not with Wrathion cause it really doesn’t make sense.

I can’t think of anyone around his age though that would be relevant enough in lore to actually pair him with. Maybe Taelia can be a ftm transgender pairing for him?

Even before wrath betrays anduin in war crimes and mop. Anduin tells us he finds wrath interesting as a uncorrupted dragon but he sees wrathion as dangerous not to be trusted.

He does not say in mop at any point he has sexual feelings toward wrathion. They clearly establish a friendship though. But its swiftly wrecked by wrathion.

well maybe anduin likes the bad boys.
Ever thought about that? :wink:

My only problem is this, factually speaking blizzard hasn’t 100% come out and said Anduin is 100% straight, yes they mentioned the draenei thing and dwarf ladies ( waggle) however Anduin and Wrathion did spend an awful amount of time together in Pandaria like crazy. Also the punch was weird af loool.:eye: unless Blizz comes out says 100% straight cool, next. Until then its open season. :slightly_smiling_face:and btw Bi is not a new concept. Anyone who says so is ignorant at best.


I’d prefer if he wasn’t.

Tealia is a women. If they wanted to make anduin bi. Blizz would be better off with a new character. But that wouldn’t work for anduins position as king. So none of it would make sense at all.

He was indeed fascinated by him, but he did also say that Wrathion was dangerous. Both were comments made in game, and as such, are seen as canon.

You can be interested in a person without any romantic inclinations. Something people tend to forget on a regular basis.

A potential friendship was forming, but then Wrathion ruined it with his obsession of “I must protect the planet, at any cost. If you won’t obey me, I’ll create an army that will!”

And that of course backfired, horribly.

Forbidden love.
Romeo and Juliet is one of the most iconic stories of all time.

There is plenty of room for it

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As a lawful good character that punched wrath at first site I’d say naw.

nzoths influence did that though.

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Ah yes, the classical signs of punching dragons, finding voluptuous barmaids kinda hot, and crying heavenly tears.

Realistically I think he’s most likely to be paired off with Taelia if they ever do anything regarding him finding romance. She’s close to his age and they have a connection via her father that could solidify a bond between them.

Also she’s human so that makes it easier if Blizzard ever wanted them to have children.

I agree i do not ship anduin with wrath or men at all. All indications point to his interest in women.

yeah but human vulpera babies sound more interesting

No. No it doesn’t.

just so you know wrathion is like 6 years old you down for that weird nonsense?


Not a fan of hybrid races?

Not completely anduin has legit reasons to be pissed at wrath.