Anduin should be gay

im a huge homestuck fan and the author told the fans that every ship they like is canon if they want it to be.

not gonna lie the boy has excellent and exspensive taste

Naw musta been someone else. My dreanei girls gave the king some stress relief that night.

stop attacking my ship.
Me and anduin.

im tempted to make a drenai chick so i can ship her with Manduin

Braver? Yes. Manlier? Arguable. Besides, manliness has nothing to do with sexuality.

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Yyyaaarrr swivel the canons! Burn the sails boys. Board the enemy take no prisoneers drink all their rum! Yyyyyyaaaaaarrrrrr.

Idc what sexuality they give him but I still don’t get the Anduin/Wrathion ship.

Isn’t Wrathion still a child in dragon terms? He’s only like… 10, right? I’m not sure how aging works with dragons, but I guess he does have an adult ‘human’ form.

It still seems like an odd pair, either way.

Shouldn’t he actually breed? He is royalty afterall. Or do we need to follow that up with a hired womb? Or for him to rent-a-child?

I don’t understand why this matters so much to people.

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Don’t make me do it

We support you, periodt. :blush:

Only because they tend to be the best dancers.

I think because he was cleansed as an egg and dragons age differently he technically an adult indragon years.

And anduins 19 in bfa. But a dhip between them still makes no sense. Even if wrathion genderbent his mortal form to be a women.

That or they try and kill artists who draw ships they don’t like, like what happened with Undertale when a person gave a fanartist a cookie with a needle put into it all over a ship the perpetrator didn’t like.

The waggle tis impossible to resist. Its just hypnotic with every step.

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It’s not even that Wrathion is male that makes it weird for me. They just have zero chemistry with each other and have shown absolutely no interest in the other romantically or sexually.

Also isn’t it canon that Anduin likes Dwarven and Draenei ladies?


sounds rational to me

arguably they did pre betraying anduin and kick starting a legion invasion

Yes and yes

dude… really?