Anduin should be gay

Why is it that people seem to think the knowledge of where people stuff their junk or what they stuff in their junk is of any relevance or importance?

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Except theres no evidence for that.

They could work it in the story but again at present there is no evidence.

He’s only sexually reacted to women.

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only shown to be and it was like 3 or 4 times in all of wow its happened. Lots of wiggle room.

Im not arguing he should be into men. Just saying there is nothing stopping it

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What part of him showing actual heartbreak over a female dwarf and goggly eyes at space cows make him gay? Please do tell

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whats got your goat?
I said its possible he could still be bi.

I didnt discount his attraction to women


As an LGBT person myself, I’m not fond of token representation through retconning existing characters.

That said, if they do it Anduin should be gay with Baine.

I take it back no way hes bi.
This can never happen


And at that point it would be clear pandering because of what has already been shown in lore like his discussion with gen about his heir

Not much is shown because romance isn’t wows main focus.

And sure he could be bi later. But he is a king required to produce hiers the nobles approve of. His life is not his own. He is bound by his responsibilities to the crown and his people. He acknowledges this fact.


And he already said he would marry for love if he married at all so we can be sure he won’t pick anyone he doesint love

There are shippers who would try and excuse that. It took comic writers being sledgehammer blunt to drive home the point that Harley and the Joker’s relationship was nothing but abusive and dangerous to her. They had to make it emphatically clear that he abused her.

And the shippers still embraced it. They don’t care. They want their ship and they’ll twist and create logic so that its obvious they love each other, even though they both have SCARS from interactions from the other one.

And I’ve personally seen the damage that can come from an abusive relationship. Thankfully I wasn’t on the receiving end. I lived with them.


I suppose if the nobles revolted and forced him to marry he would have no choice. But since that plot doesn’t work with the main story i just don’t see it happening.

He’s already being kinda lined up with tealia. Daughter of bolvar fordragon. Possibly secret child of callia menethil. Maybe heir to lorderon.

But we shall see.

Ships are just good fun.
Its nothing serious or worth people getting worked up over.

Wait, what, Anduin ISN’T gay? BS He is gay already.

can confirm.
He was certainly not straight when I was with him last night wink wink nudge nudge

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Some just go to far with it. Not all just some.

Except people do become obsessive over their fandom. They can and will attack anyone who disagrees with them. Japanese Anime is facing that as supposed fans are attacking EVERYONE who has a different view.

No, its NOT worth getting worked up over, but it is a serious probably and you can’t just ignore it. Because these people can gain traction, and push for change. Enough of these people and the author will cave, if only to make the mob go away.

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When he went under cover at a bar to blow off some steam as a commoner?

well he went under covers if that’s what you meant.

Hes only after the finest dreanei girl booty.

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