Anduin should be gay

He needs to breed.

Has nothing to do with being offended or anything of the sort. Folks want stories that make sense and character writing that doesn’t need pandering or some other checkbox.

If a character is defined only by their sexual preference then they are not well written at all.

Make new well done characters that just happen to be gay, bi, etc.


That’s another thing eventually he will need an heir which is not possible with a gay relation

No idea I’m not a story writer, but I’m sure there’s plenty of good reasons for him to have a partner. I’d like to see more relationships in the game including more lgbt representations. It makes them seem more human and I like seeing chemistry between all types of characters. I’m still trying to figure out what agenda is being pushed and why players would get upset over a lgbt relationship. :woman_shrugging:

nobody cares. jfc the left is insane.


Again because it needs to be written well and so far blizzard has done a crappy job of just keeping their regular lore togeather. We don’t need any extra tip it’s that add exactly nothing to the story or character and you have yet to provide any helpful reasons that would make the lore better by adding this. So yeah people will think it’s an agenda

I remember an author from when I was younger. She did that with EVERY story. She could write, as was evidenced when she did a collaberation and she had a co-author. Her skill shined through. But she had to push her agenda in every book she wrote, and those were always the weakest parts of the story.

So yes, pushing an agenda instead of telling a story can hurt the overall story.

Does it mean you can’t have LGBT+ characters? Nope. You can have them. Just make sure they organically fit into the story and that it doesn’t feel forced. So long as it feels natural and flows with the story, all is good.

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I just gave you a reason why I think it would be good for the game. More chemistry between characters help build bonds. I like stories that build bonds between characters and romantic bonds are some of the most powerful out of all of them. I think it would be good for the game. I’m still confused on what agenda you are talking about??? Is this a conspiracy theory or something, i’m confused…

i approve fully.

Yes in before the storm gen corners anduin and forces him to talk. Essentially gen is concerned for anduin as he sees him like a son. But is concerned that without hiers if anduin falls in battle sw would collapse in a civil war with nobles fighting for the crown.

He says he would act as a steward for as long as possible. But the nobles wouldn’t accept it forever.

He asks anduin if he’s interested in anyone. To which anduin says no. He then offers his daughter in an arranged marriage. To which anduin also says no because he wants to marry for love not politics.

Anduin basically says he recognizes his responsibility but doesn’t have time to persue romance. That after sylvie is dealt with and azeroth saved then he can actually find a wife.

Then sl happens and maybe a time skip… so anduins screwed.

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The bonds need to make sense. His bond with greymane? That makes sense. His bond with Jaina? That makes sense. His bond with Surfang? That makes sense. Him being gay? That doesint make sense since he clearly has shown Attraction to female dwarfs s and space cows and two because he told graeymane he doesint have time for a relationship right now. You said you don’t write stories so stop trying to write them cause that’s what your doing and it makes no sense

That’s not what I’m saying, stop redirecting

There’s nothing inherently wrong with him being LGBTQ+. But what I’m saying is currently, his sexuality doesn’t have any impact on his story and so it shouldn’t, especially not the gross Wranduin ship IMO (which makes 0 logical sense)

Edit: there are multiple lgbt characters now as well as major characters in the future, like Pelegos, where that story makes sense.

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Again our little boy King likes them peaches :peach:


Also, one more thing, just cause two characters are in the same room doesn’t mean they should be shipped–you wouldn’t ship Xe’ra and Illidan, would you? Cause that’s basically what Wranduin is.


actually now that you mention it that would have been an interesting romance


Why do so many troll threads exists?

And as someone pointed out anduins first reaction to wrathion was to punch him in the face with full body armor because he blamed him for Varains death. Not something I imagine romantic couples do

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When i make them its normally because im drunk

Forcing someone into a mold simply for representation always goes poorly.

Canonically he’s straight.


canonically he could still be bi