Anduin Raid Finale - cinematic reaction

Again – you dont know if that is the only option here, only that this is the one Arthas chooses. Its left ambiguous and controversial because of the action Arthas is willing to take to stop the corruption, along with the reactions of his confidents.

Was Arthas right? Yes, it stopped a large zombie apocalypse.
Was it the only option? We dont know that. And we never will (which is the purpose of the specific writing).

What kind of magic do we have to create an alternate solution to strat? The city was gone. The people were infected and gone, unlike the forsaken, they were mindless.

I like the part where the Kool-Aid man blasted through the veil between life and death and said a Randy Savage quote while playing a double neck guitar. This patch is pretty lit.

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But he never was in any of those regards. He chose revenge. Thats not manipulation, thats his choice.

Again. We dont know what an alternative solution was since we were never presented with one at the time. All we know is that Arthas chose a dark decision that splintered his forces that ended up massacring a lot of people to stop a zombie invasion.

You have to accept that while Arthas did was technically for the safety of Lordaeron – he went about in a very very morally grey manner which is against not only his Holy Light teachings but against the wishes of others within his own group.

She likes to hear herself speak?

He was literally egged on by Mal’ganis by telling him to come find him in Northrend. And then after he took Frostmourne Mal’ganis was all like “Muwahahaha this was all part of our plan, we all work together now” and Arthas was like “lul die”

You’re basically trying to argue the Lich King/Mal’ganis/Legion didn’t manipulate him because he was an idiot and didn’t see the writing on the wall.

Arthas is the guy in an apocalypse that survives because he makes smart decisions. Any movie that has ever shown “lets keep these zombies alive and locked in a room” has always gone horribly wrong and caused further chaos. Also events were already set up to make him Lich King. Granted, there are alternative timelines where Arthas married and has a child named Uther with Jaina. But in the main timeline he was already being manipulated to do what he did.

The problem is that Mal’ganis’ entire plan banked on Arthas following him after taunting him. Once Mal’ganis left and said “ehy I am going far away from your Kingdom, but come fight me” – Arthas has no reason to go after him other than revenge.

None of this is involuntary. Arthas makes the decision to go after him. This is as much corruption as Varian lashing out at the Horde in Ulduar to pull back support.

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You are really failing to grasp the whole concept of manipulation.

You cant really say he is being manipulated when he has a choice. Maybe emotional manipulation, but Arthas has the choice regardless to chase Mal’Ganis.

Its like saying Kil’jaedan was manipulated to serve the LEgion.

That’s…uh…actually kind of a big part to the whole manipulation thing. If you’re not being given a choice you’re not being manipulated, you’re just being forced.

He didn’t love the horde, he was a race supremacist that only loved orcs. Or did you forget what he did in MoP?

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You cant say everything Arthas did was manipulation by Mal’Ganis either. Burning the ships on Icecrown was his own volition and presented as such in the very game.

Whatever you say. Even if it’s lies seeping

Hire this man. fire the current writer.


Well my one consolation from this cinematic (other than Anduin not dying) is to all the mean-spirited people who gloated for months/years that Varian’s soul was destroyed by Gul’dan (and 'ha ha Sadfang got disenchanted and turned into a trinket!") …

Neener neener neener :stuck_out_tongue:

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So whatever happened to Ner’Zhul then? His soul just float off into space after Danuser’s Body Pillow ripped the crown in half?

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Considering that wasn’t his soul and that it was indeed destroyed…neener neener neener?

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Pretty sure if the blades are destroyed, no more Varian or Saurfang.

Feel free to show me the statement from the devs/writer that it wasn’t their souls.

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