Anduin Raid Finale - cinematic reaction

Feel free to show me where it was.

If it was their souls, explain how their souls magically got sucked into the sword when they were both dead before it was a mournblade.

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Because Sylvanas is being redeemed. That’s the only reason why. I was perfectly okay with Arthas being a villain who died a villain before this. His ending was perfect despite the “there must always be a lich king lightning crash” thing.

But since they’re twisting themselves into pretzels trying to justify not doing what they did to Arthas to Sylvanas, Arthas deserves the same measure of compassion. He was also manipulated into doing what he did.

Also it’s funny that you mention Kil’jaedin because Kil’jaedin actually did get redeemed moreso than Arthas. He got way more pathos than Arthas. He died realizing that he was wrong, and that maybe Velen and the Light can stop Sargeras after all.


I want him to go down in a blaze of glory, not use Anduin as his puppet boy.

Of course not.

That would go back to that morally grey scenario. Oh he burned his ships and blamed it on some trolls/ogres. All because he wanted to get the big bad guy Mal’ganis.

I’m not defending Arthas entirely. He was an idiot motivated by wanting to get some level of revenge and justice for the citizens of Stratholme and others that had been killed by the Legion and he was willing to do whatever it took to get it done. And by the time he had done whatever it took he was in possession of a soul sucking sword.

Had he killed Mal’ganis without picking up frostmourne I don’t really think he would have been in for a good pure life after the fact, he was probably too far jaded at that point and would continue to make bad decisions. At that point you get to start to blame him more though.

You win. we had hoped blizzard would follow their lore one time. We were wrong.

when you think that writing bar can’t get lower
blizzard will find a way. We know this now.

So blizzard
now the flood gates are open, non elf DH’s. It is time.

It seems fel lore Fel apart (pun intended)
I could use some gnome DH’s up in my fel hammer. I am dying to hear “i’ve sacrificed everything
” in happy chipper gnome voice.

I just don’t know why Jaina or Uther could not be the one with the last words said. It is just sad to see how Arthas was used up until there was nothing left. Blizzard could have let those two mourn the lost of the person he was, not what he became. At lest Jaina could have given Sylvanas the old " Like you are one to talk" type thing.



or shut up girl and go power slide into another sword.

go find some old gilnean corpses to fight. You could win that fight. oh wait
you couldn’t


That whole thing just felt wrong. We are going to get a redeemed Sylvanas if we like it or not. All her sins will be forgiven because Tyrande has learned the power of forgiveness and letting go. At the very least they should have her stay in the Maw, taking the Jailers place as atonement for her actions.


Absolutely. I waited in line in the fishing cold to get WotLK. This is how you end it? Get lost.

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It would have been even better without any sylvanas.

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 This is wrong All this time he was suffering at the hand of Jailer made into Soul gem Socket and We don’t lest see his final moment be Grilled and told “Go away and be forgotten” Screw that I want some good closer before he kick the can or lest Change it Helping Audion Save form fate that damned him
 But no This is the “Right way” pllhfff


No they won’t Even it had it would been breif but yeah let him Fade into nothign and guy Get treated like Nightmare boogie man and let him fade and did my Guy dirty GG

Story ended Horrible It could have ended, Guy should get at lest better then then that, and come hell to high water I would say that Until it get drill in there mind Unlike you think “ok” No this not ok Guy was the Face of warcraft for long time and He go out like bang.

Then agian To bring up hurtful roots It like they try to Treat The burning of darnassus a “opiss My bad but let move on” While They have tyrande whisperwind standing there like nothing happen.

So yes I would keep fighting about this And Keep saying this was BS ending to him should treated better But nooooooo

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It’s kind of telling that most of the Arthas superfans seem to have a
 less than stellar grasp of the English language.

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Yeah Much like they forget the gd Tree and Leave it unchanged and sylvanas get to run free Are you happy She get to run free not even answer what happen.

This still won’t change that this send off was insult to every one that play WC3 and WoTLK and how we hope to see him get told to F off No I will not let that slide.

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Yeah yeah mock the english at lest I care unlike you Seem to let crap like this happen When They could retcon or recast the raid cenamtnic at any chance for some thing better Like few thing but no Let it happen

Screw that

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That has to be the worst cinematic they have ever done. Varian and Saurafang just randomly show up to save the day? And why Saurafang?

Such a missed opportunity. They could have had us have to go in search of Varian through the Shadowlands, running into people who might know where he is
 But no, they just have him randomly show up with some horde leader in tow.

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Or I just disagree with you. Your opinion is not the final arbiter of quality.

Arthas was never really under the Jailer control, which is why his soul was stripped down for spare parts. He was one of the Jailer’s plans that didn’t work out and he never could get control over him.

The cinematic was fine, the whole ghosts thing was a bit much but in the end the interaction between them and Arthas was pretty good. I liked the fact that Sylvanas acknowledged that she had basically became Arthas thru her own actions and she would have to make amends for that.


And I have have right disargee with you And be willing to start this dance until end of time.