Anduin Raid Finale - cinematic reaction

Like i said name one thing, i cant argue anything if you just say everything in it made him evil?

The expedition to northrend was to track down and stop the person that was creating the plague to kill his people? How is that evil

Everyone knew he was evil when he rode his horse in the middle of the night on slick ground.

Honey you reaaaaaaally need to play the entire WC3 scenario. It’s really good and does a very good job of reflecting the mans descent into madness.




Killing the mercenaries was the only thing, other characters have done far worse. That doesnt make him unredeemable

Murdering those who weren’t yet infected isn’t what I’d call a good thing. There were other options. Not everybody agrees with you.

And he made the choices, not the blade. Even after he was completely corrupted, lore states:

For years, Arthas dreamed and reflected on his past. Eventually he banished the last vestiges of his humanity,[53] and consumed Ner’zhul’s spirit to become the sole personality of the Lich King.[54][55][56]


I dont agree with you, the whole world is on the line, the plague could of wiped out everybody, it was understandable he did it. A couple of mercenaries for the world.

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I get that the WoW story has always been a meme, that it was basically just the “rule of cool”.

But jfc, put just a modicum of effort forth Blizz. How pathetic.

Edit: Or maybe they really are this terrible at telling a story. Their own story, one that’s not just King Arthur but with a “Blizzard Twist” or some other pre existing story with their own twist on it.

But didnt that lore get changed with shadowlands?

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I’ve never said he was unredeemable, I said he didn’t need to be redeemed.

His story was finished. He had his descent and his eventual defeat. Redeeming him would provide nothing to his character and be a wet fart of a story. It’s unnecessary.


No, it did not.

So when they wrote the arthas books and the original story they knew about domination magic and the ties to shadowlands/jailer?

yea i dont believe it, i think shadowlands and domination magic puts heaps of holes in it.


He had already killed Kel’thuzad, the one he thought was causing the plague.

His pursuit of Mal’ganis was purely for his own pride and shame of what he had done in Stratholme.

Well you might think he was finished but the wow devs continued wow story from WOTLK all the way to shadowlands. If it was finished we wouldnt even have arthas in the story anymore. Now he is truly finished. But that cinematic was the bit that finished him. I think it did a bad job

The Jailer considered Arthas a failure, because he didn’t succumb to the Jailer’s power and Arthas dominated the Helm himself.

The Jailer revealed that the Lich King was meant to herald his coming and thus considered Arthas, along with his predecessor and successor, a failure due to his defiance of him.[63]

I don’t think Arthas even needed to be redeemed for them to do this better. At least give some parting lines. And it should not have centered around Sylvanas again. She had her cinematic. They need to stop focusing mainly on her.

And they never should have.

I assume that you’re of the younger generation, where everything is part of a five part series or something. Sometimes stories just have a natural end. Arthas’s story ended.

Pretty neat

I think the opening cinematics for the expac are to blame for that.

Oh WTF i never knew that, so thats how they got around it. Lame.
Was that in a new book? or in a quest line?

I have played since Vanilla and played both Warcraft 2 and 3. if arthas story was finished then he wouldnt be in the cinematic. Its pretty easy to understand, the fact that arthas is s till in the story in 9.2 and he is a main character in terms of plot lines with the sword means he is still in it. Look at uthers story with arthas, jaina cinematics and quest lines they all have arthas in it. His story isnt over.

Arthas had more air time in the last couple of xpacs than some warchiefs. LOL

Well, it certainly is now.