Anduin Raid Finale - cinematic reaction

Yeah Im not okay with this cinematic. The Varian and Sauerfang did give me chills but they were more memories not even the actual spirits. Arthas though they swore not to do dirty and they just did exactly that. At the end of WOTLK we get a great ending with Arthas finally not under domination and free, only to have that ended by Uther being brainwashed and condemning him to the Maw. Now the result of that hes just gone, a wisp essentially that just ceases to exist. Jaina who loved him no reaction to all that’s left of him, Uther feeling responsible okay with it, and somehow he is the biggest villain in all of it, so much so we are just to forget his name. Blizz messed this up bad.


If they change that bit of lore, I’d be okay with it. I think it’s dumb to make it so fel can destroy souls.

Kinda paints the writing team into a corner, at least I’d think.

what are you waiting for? Arthas with Garrosh are now 35 :poop: anima, that was expected from Danuser and demonstrate an image that the old Blizzard does not exist for them.

and that he has the nerve that the WotLK: Classic is coming by the way.

Nothing can be done anymore when you see Shadowlands like episode 7 and 9 of Starwars where we see new generation characters turning trash into iconic characters who have only made what is now their name.

Something like Tom Holland with a special actor who lives in the shadow of him as it was with Garlfield and Mcguire because it was the reason that the third part was better due to old actors than the new ones never did alone.

That is why not even because they are widows of the fallen prince they cry now for a fate worse than death, but rather that the jailer’s ending is near, and it is probably not very positive to say.


Sylvanus :poop:-talking Arthas like she’s any decent of a character, thanks blizzard i hate it.


But of course this was all planned by the Jailer. :expressionless:

(Also, if Varian’s spirit can appear since I thought fel magic obliterated souls I trust WoW to not let Arthas’ truly rest somewhere.)


At least we know Varian’s soul was somehow saved, and didn’t end up in the maw. Along with the orc, of course. I’m sure the jailer has more tricks up his sleeve. What nasty act will he pull in his final moments?



They turned the most iconic character in all of WoW into just 35 :poop: animas, Danuser didn’t change anything, he prefers to blame other people who are no longer in the company in the lore, and with Sylvanas’ phrase he thinks we’re going to hate him, to think that it was just selfishness and pride, LET’S FORGET IT.

the WotLK: classic is coming, along with the end of the jailer, and what awaits us in the 10.0 new expansion, we can only wait.

It really is disappointing, something that I would have liked more worthy like they gave Illidan in Legion, but no, it was all that summary, and return to what other characters have done almost nothing like Varok and Varian.

It only remains to wait, and whatever comes from the end of the jailer, the suffering of Shadowland does not come to an end yet.

Just saw it on YT [won’t be doing raid probably]
It’s what I thought it’d be but the Arthas part was a huge let down.


Meh is the only word to describe it. Meh.


They should have left Sylvanas out of it and let Uther and Jaina say their goodbyes. Given Arthas some parting lines.

Not just puff away and be punished for being controlled by the Jailer like Sylvanas, Uther and Anduin were.

Sylvanas had a full cinematic just before this. Let other characters have some time in cinematics. It’s so annoying.


It 100% would not have been.

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Yeah, why should he have to apologize? Blizzard gave a free pass to everyone involved by letting the phrase, “the devil made me do it”, be an actual excuse.


Why would you post all these spoilers??


3 years from now when I finally get around to doing the raid solo for legacy loot I will be all :
“Pssh, yeah, I know what going to happen already… yawn.”


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Oh my GOD are you freakin’ kidding me…!!!

I just watched it. The tears that came to my eyes at seeing Varian and Varok were gradually replaced with scorn as I realized how this was playing out.

These writers are not worthy to lace the shoes of Dr. Seuss. I am at such a loss to adequately articulate my revolted disgust with this narrative.

They absolutely threw Arthas under the bus in order that this putrid banshee stain can have redemption. Unlike this loathsome elf, Arthas was redeemable.

This is profoundly, unequivocally and definitively the final sword pierced through the heart of the beloved story of World of Warcraft.

It is over. It is so over. The story is irreparably, irredeemably, irrefutably… destroyed.

This surpasses even my worst expectations for how much worse the story could get.



What a stunning work of art.
I haven’t been so moved since War Crimes. A fitting end for Arthas, the loser. And a triumphant setup for our Dark Lady’s final act. It’s a shame we had to see that weak loser Saurfang again but small price to pay.

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The only reason he was shown in Shadowlands at all was to act as the catalyst for Uther and his story. If he had been actually involved in the story I think it would have probably been disastrous since players on every side would have been disappointed in one way or another. Better to leave the legend uncorrupted by change.


We should’ve just blown this miserable afterlife to atoms with as many mana bombs as could’ve been mustered.


They destroyed the hell out of the lore here. What a slap to all the old players.

“Bye, we dont care for your story, it’s OUR TURN NOW.”

Screw the writers.


I’d wager they didnt want to give Arthas a proper send off because they were tired of people saying “Arthas did nothing wrong”. Let’s face it, Arthas has a story quite similar to Hitlers. A hero King turned into an evil monster, first driven by a desire to save his people at all costs, but eventually leading them to destruction and becoming entirely evil.

There is no room at modern blizzard for that kind of story and I’m sure the writers there have ideological reasons for wanting to throw his ending into the gutter. They show hostility to wow players and gamers in plenty of other situations too.

Lots of stuff in wow is ideologically driven by the new developers. To this day I can’t stand playing through Maldraxxus because of the voice acting. Yea, this 10 ton abomination has the voice of a woman. Makes total sense