Anduin Raid Finale - cinematic reaction

I didn’t understand what Saurfang was doing there. (There is other characters that are actually close to him. Like Jaina was there… Velen has been MIA for a while and that is his mentor/master. He has other indivuals that are much closer to him.) Still I guess it is nice to see him again… maybe because people mentioned they didn’t see him in SL. So they gave him a shout out. Still felt really outta place.

Blizzard listened to barely touching Arthas. To the point he is just some sort of anima spec I guess… now some people are upset about getting what they exactly asked for. (I don’t even feel like they had to cling to nostalgia Arthas to ruin a new father son moment…)

Either way I felt like the cinematic would’ve been overall better if they focused more on Varian and Anduin. I didn’t hate this cinematic personally.

Correct. Showing up as a wispy remnant is the best we could have hoped for, though.

Also realistically they’ve already involved him in Shadowlands with Uther’s bit, they couldn’t just not mention him ever again.

However, anything would be better than him coming back and being all redeemy. Arthas doesn’t need to be redeemed. His story is over.


The cinematic was trash and it just shows that the current writers are outright hostile and hold older lore in contempt.

You know whats a name that should go on and be forgotten? Blizzard.


I’m a bit disappointed the Varian and Varok just popped out of nowhere to give a power pep-talk.

But that Sylvanas monologue was horrendous. Why only her? Why didn’t you expand on Anduin and Arthas? How awesome would’ve it been for Anduin to learn from someone as weathered as Arthas Menithil?

But, nah. Banshee Queen go snort, snort.


He doesnt need to be redeemed. But in BFA he came up in jainna dialog heaps and in cinematics, then in Shadowlands he comes up again with uther. They are both there at the end after finding out he was mind controlled and they say nothing and sylvannas just dribbles about her being mad even though he was controlled like her.
In my opinion its just bad writing, even if he didnt talk they could of done that better.


Do we get a cut scene of her going to the moon never to be seen again? :joy:


This applies to almost everything in pop culture these days. Almost like it’s all planned that way.


He didn’t need to be redeemed. He should have been given an honorable suicide while giving closure to Uther, Jaina, and Sylvanas through dialogue and a meaningful end.

Arthas was always one of the most compelling and well written characters in warcraft. And now we have the modern writers throwing him into the trash because they hold the older stories in contempt.


The only point of an “honorable suicide” is redemption, though. Arthas doesn’t need that.

We have the modern writers leaving him alone because they know better than to touch him, thankfully.

They literally didnt leave him alone though, he is there in the xpac, the fact that he is there and doesnt communicate is not them leaving him alone. He should not of been in here at all if they cant write a story and are worried about ruining him.


He’s not actually there, though. That wisp is just a blip of energy. His consciousness is long gone, which means his character continues to be unchanged and untouched post-WotLK.

As it should be.


He’s such a little wuss.

Paints warpaint on face

My people walked the Trail of Tears irl.

For what Blizz just did to Arthas, I’m about to walk it back.

I cannot possibly do justice in words to the let down of what they just did.

Blizzard, you failed beyond the failing of all fails.


Is there a link to this cinematic?




That was sad. Especially for Arthas. I don’t like how Arthas and Garrosh were treated, although whoever did Garrosh’s ending did him a bit of justice so that’s good.

Still, I wish the story had been a bit different.


I am so beyond just mad.

They just completely wrecked Arthas, and all of the possibility that was just waiting to be tapped in to.

Absolutely trash story telling.


Varian got disenchant by guldan with Fel magic that destroy souls… so he cant back like a soul because dont exist more, Damn blizz


One of the most iconic Warcraft characters reduced to a ball of blue anima.