Anduin Raid Finale - cinematic reaction

Those weren’t memories ,those were actually spirits. If you played through legion stormhelm story you will see we have three parts to our spirit ,valor is one of them,this is what you seen. It can’t be controlled by domination magic and is free to come -go as it pleases. Danuser did do this right by the lore ,hats off to him.

This cinematic is good imho as it tells Arthas story with some dignity without too much emotional attachment since he didn’t face an judgement .

I think a lot of people currently dislike sylvanas for good reasons. But as a long term follower of her story, I think what happened in shadowlands made a lot more sense than what happened in BFA. That’s why it’s not bothering me as much as people reacting to the BFA version of this character.

:neutral_face: :open_mouth: :grinning: :crossed_swords: :confused: :question: :large_blue_circle: :elf: :question::question::angry:

That’s the timeline of my reactions during the cinematic.


Possibility that would’ve been ruined by bad writing and a million interpretations of the character. Let the man die and be at peace.

Sylvanas is like that annoying girl that has do whatever she can the second that all the attention isn’t focused on her.

I really wish they would’ve given us more Varian and Anduin, but no a meaningful father son interaction gets lost because reasons.

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Wrath ending for him is just 100 times better. Everyone had a say on it. Not just Sylvanas. Everyone managed to get closure. It was an entire epilogue questline for Muradin, Sylvanas and Jaina and Uther.


Correct, which was the exact point of her story. It’s what made it so tragic, same with Jaina. There was no closure. But since they reopened the can of worms, Jaina needed that closure more. It would have been more meaningful to a playerbase that has grown to resent Sylvanas.

I don’t resent sylvanas but I don’t really know what closure jaina needed. She loved him and then he was terrible and then she dumped him.

You really don’t think Sylvanas’ monologue should have been shortened and Jaina and Uther should have gotten a moment too? Arthas was a major part of both of their stories.

I think Sylvanas needed to talk too, but the whole “This is my burden to bare, fade away and be forgotten” wasn’t really for her. Jaina and Uther got 1 line in the whole cinematic.

I actually liked the cinematic, but I don’t like that Anduin’s cinematic got made all about Sylvanas. There are other characters that need development.


Well I definitely think Jaina and Uther needed more. I would have wanted a longer cinematic. But I don’t really think any of the Sylvanas stuff needed cutting. It was a really well-written monologue that had character continuity taken into account since wc3.

I just don’t know what Jaina in particular could have said, other than… “I’m upset you turned out the way you did and I miss when you weren’t awful.”

Perhaps because both of them were holding one of the blades when they died and it has a “memory” of their life in them? Don’t know the lore on this so please forgive my ignorance.

I am sure their main reason for it was that they wanted to include the horde in the scene because they’d get flack about it being an all about the “alliance” cinematic, so they made the stretch that since Saurfang used the weapon in another xpac, he should be there. Since they trashed the legacy of the games lore, I’m not surprised, just highly disappointed.

This is how I prefer to think of it. I don’t want them to be disenchanted totally forever by fel or anything else.

They’re great characters of this game, I want to think of them as being free and at peace.

Yes, I know they’re not real but in a way, they are. At least to me.


Dishonor on you, Dishonor on your family!

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The writing in this game has become fan fiction as far as I’m concerned. Danuser is a hack along with the others.


Sylvanas was getting her chance to say something to him finally, this was closure that was long overdue. that being said Arthas was still evil even though he was manipulated, stop simping for him when even Jaina has gotten over him.

It couldn’t be said any better than this ^.

It’s also so jarring to have the backdrop of Zovaal being responsible for everything now (including the domination of Arthas), yet having Sylvanas (Danuser) place the blame squarely upon Arthas.

Her monologue was so filled with contempt for the old lore and was basically The Last Jedi all over again. So, so, so bad.



Why I (keep on) ragging about the dreadlord plot device.

Okay we get it, they shape shift.

we made a device for this in korthia. DH’s are supposed to see them. It was literally why we went to Org or SW. Go find the dreads about to kill some leaders.

and in the first hour or so of 9.2 they used this again Twice.

Hahaha…I am in the arbiter room.

Haha…I am in ZM.

This should have been…

Haha, sees dreadlord with googles, boom head shot…converts to dreadlord form in death. Primus…dude, you suck at security. You know that, right?

Even night elves would be going Lady Vashj…you went naga, we should not like you, but for this you rock girlfriend for these goggles.

(Bad) fanfiction is famed for this. the item(s) that could ruin the plot are just forgotten about. I need this for my story…so I will make this this vanish. and no one will notice.

But we do notice. Especially DH players. We had to wear an item that casts spectral vision when we have it already. For reasons…

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:large_blue_circle: Hey look, it’s Arthas

:large_blue_diamond: Oh no, Sylvanas’ unwanted monologuing is draining his will to live

:small_blue_diamond: Hang in there Arthas, don’t let her win!

Well, there goes the game’s best Villain. Time for another 5 years of Sylvanas.


Every time she speaks, it’s his voice I hear. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: