Anduin Raid Finale - cinematic reaction

guldan was the best villain, imo. but you can see what i’m posting on. :stuck_out_tongue:

We can keep trying to justify it but it’s all unjustifiable. Arthas shouldn’t have a redemption arc but you can’t give them out like hot cakes and then purposely exclude the most iconic character. You can’t give another character who has done equally bad things if not arguably worse a complete pass. It’s not that Arthas faded into oblivion it’s what was said by who at the time. No one would have any problems if it was either Jaina or Uther. These writers are earnings paychecks now for the stories told before. Pay your respects and send characters off properly and then write your own stories. But don’t pretend like lore didn’t happen because you don’t like it. You only have a job because of those before you and the loyal and I mean loyal base.

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It’s funny because we all knew the terrible useless tripe in store for us, with Sylvanas being redeemed.

And yet, they STILL went above and beyond to really crap out the worst story beat possible. Not only did they manage to turn what should have been an entirely Anduin-centric cinematic into some awful monologue for the worst character in WoW’s lore right now, they also completely crapped on a legacy character.

We knew it was going to be bad, and they still made it nightmarish. If it wasn’t so depressing, it’d be funny. It’s like the entire Lore department sits around and tries to purposefully ruin things, like what they did to Elune.


I watched the cinimatic and… god its horrible. The part with Anduin getting help from Saurfang and Varian was great, but how the crap are you going to toss one of your best legacy characters EVER INTO OBLIVION LIKE THAT.


Its like the final season of Game of Thrones… a TOTAL FAILURE IN WRITING.

Just sad… Wotlk was one of the finest expansions in WoW and this is what we get?



I had to quote the full entirety of your post, because it’s a masterful analysis of the exact reality of things.

You, perceptive Elf, get the triple piggeh recognition of excellence.

:pig2: :pig2: :pig2:


he died. in wrath. like a decade ago. people were told he wasn’t gonna have a big influence on shadowlands. the forums are a victim of their own wishful thinking, nothing more.

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I wonder how many people are going to write “hE wAS dOmINatED lIkE hEr” that apparently missed the multiple cutscenes with Zovaal where he got all pissypants about the fact that he was never able to control the Lich King to do what he wanted.

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why let facts get in the way of a good delusion, brise?

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While you ignore the fact that Arthas was dominated by Ne’zhul and later once he dawn the crown, whatever the Lich King was, was neither totally Arthas/Ner’zhul but some twisted amalgamation. An amalgamation that literally tore his own heart out because it was still affecting him.

he literally slapped nerzhul down and ignored him and went about his own business. you can look at the wowpedia site and see that because it was in other things and was quoted there, but alright sir.

Arthas destroyed all but a tiny fragment of Ner’zhul and then voluntarily snuffed out his own humanity.

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but arthas was a victim who had no control at all you know.

Arthas was a tragic hero who did terrible things for the right reasons until they stopped being for the right reasons anymore. He was well written, but a lot of people, especially in this thread, are completely clueless to the point of his story. A story like his doesn’t get a happy ending.

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he was always a villain, and he was a darn good one. but still a villain. they wanted him to be an anti hero but that’s not how he was written. they tried to do that with sylvanas and you have seen how that ended up. lol. honestly they’d hate arthas just as much as they hate sylvanas now if she had died when she yeeted herself off icecrown and he came back and went through her story arc.

I think the argument here would be the Arthas allowed himself to be controlled? Whereas Anduin was able to fight it?

So Arthas was either weak? Weak-willed? Slightly evil? Or all of the above?

Still seems like a pretty harsh condemnation. I mean Sylvanas looks like she is getting a redemption arc and Arthas was even more of a pawn… so he got super shafted.

I definitely think it could have been handled better.

I mean if anything you would think the last word would go to Uther to round out that story arc (that started with Uther basically handing Arthas back to the Jailor by dropping his soul in the maw w/o letting it go via the Arbiter - which wasn’t broken at the time). Also … did Uther basically deny Arthas an afterlife as a result? Would the arbiter have sent Arthas to the maw anyways?

The rules are still super unclear.

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No one was expecting a happy ending from this. He deserved more pathos though, if we’re giving pathos to Sylvanas.

I wouldn’t have hated the cinematic nearly as much if instead it was Sylvanas saying, “I understand what you went through now. I can’t forgive what you did to me, but I understand.”

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Except his humanity was already weaken/half consumed by Frostmorne. The entire point was his actions were driven by a set of extreme circimstance that he had no control over. Circumstances thathad it happened to other people might have cause them to follow said path. Heck, if Ner’zhul had targetted Sylvanas instead she probably would have picked up Frostmorne as well if it meant saving her kingdom.

I enjoy the fan service of Saurfang and Varian. The rest of it was trash.

If Danuser and the story team intended to close the book on Arthas, they did it in the worst way possible. Dude is not cut out to take the reigns on this lore. In way over his head.


The lore is crazy twisted. You can point to many things that are conflicting and they should have just let the character be. If the problem was no matter what they did it wouldn’t do right by Arthas than you don’t touch him at all. Bring him back, people will hate. Cast him into oblivion by a trash character, people will hate. Let Uther and Jaina pay fan service, people will hate. The right answer was to do nothing. But instead they teased his appearance for several expansions. Purposely mentioning him and forcing characters to relive past events of a decade ago instead of just moving on with something new.